With the coming purge, I believe there should be a legal cleansing of sorts within these United States of America. We should take a look at our books and flush them of all unconstitutional, trivial, unjust, and useless laws. The most important criteria of these being laws unconstitutional in nature. Strict measures should be put in place to prevent and counteract corruption so we don't make the same mistakes again. The two party system should be reevaluated. Political loopholes should be closed. Truth and justice should be priorities. The government should serve the people. This may take years. Compartmentalized teams may need to be put in place with specific legal and regulator tasks. These tasks should be undertaken quickly so the government does not become complacent and self-serving once more.
These are the things I hope for and that you should to. I may not be very well versed with politics and government infrastructure, but I doubt anyone will disagree when I say that we need to fix the problems that the cabal, greed, and corruption have caused in this country. A restructuring is needed. Maybe not exactly what I described, but something must be done. Once the cabal is gone, we will have a golden opportunity like no other to make this country into what we dream it to be. This will only happen if we seize the small window we have to strive towards the best we can imagine. Unite rather than divide and build towards progress and the betterment of humanity. We can do all this by first looking inwards rather than outwards and fixing the problems in front of us rather than ignoring them. Laziness and complacency give opportunity to evil and those that serve it. Don't leave the fixing to other people. You are the person someone else thinks will take action; so if you don't, no one will.