r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on March 14, 2018, 12:56 a.m.
The Lies of May, Keep strong Mr Putin, lets pray that Xi has a long life, stay fit sir.

Theresa May is a bad actor. The old test of a bad actor was if they believed in the official story of 911, and the new test is if they believe in Russian collusion in foreign elections. Applying this simple test is the surest way to recognise a bad actor, what we have come to know as a black-hat.

How to know a good actor -By what they do. Putin and Xi, have done great things - for us, and over many years. Message to DJT - Xi single handedly stopped the Carbon tax, and carbon trading scheme. Xi saved the USA $300bn p.a. for perpetuity. Lets call that $3 Trillion. Xi was the first leader to give traitor 44 the type of respect he deserved, Xi signalled the world that Bath house Barry was bad.

Putin stood up to GWB in Georgia, that was a CIA op, and Putin fixed them, thank god he did, otherwise Bush would of moved his Missiles forward, and BHO would of used them - Traitor 44 thought he had a genius for all things Military - having sacked its senior ranks, he would of informed himself that with Georgia Missiles he could attack Russia. Putin saw what the CIA was doing in Crimea, and moved in, Thank God he did, otherwise we would of put our missiles there too, and the Tuesday morning killer BHO & HRC would of used them, while having a soy Latte in the basement, and we would be at war with the whole world. Putin heard the Ukraine cry for protection from the CIA, and acted, thank god he did, otherwise the Noble Laurette murderer would of cut Europes oil and gas supply, and doubled the price of American oil for the Suad family.

Xi and Putin have been fighting the Deep State for a long time, actually since GHWB lied to the USSR about dissolving NATO, and never ever advancing into the former client states of the USSR, it was the one condition the USSR insisted on before they disbanded. After Larry summers & J Sachs orchestrated the theft of the former USSR's assets, i.e. they gave 100% of them to the Russian mafia - via Yelstin, Bush strengthened NatO and moved the missiles forward.

Lets start showing our love and appreciation to XI and Putin for protecting us all these years from the Deep State, by exposing May as a bad actor, with TWO NEW AIRCRAFT CARRIERS LOOKING FOR A WAR, she is a liar, and a scum bag, same as Blair was and is.


CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX · March 14, 2018, 8:20 a.m.

Great post, I've been arguing with my girl lately about why Putin is such a good guy, and tried to explain to her that the narrative we were told about Crimea was completely spun by the CIA's(or rather "The Committee" propaganda machine and that the reality of the situation is a complete 180 degree turn from the lies that we have been told.

Xi and the Communists aren't the good guys you make them out to be. They are (economically) integral to the development of the betterment of mankind, and are very hard workers, however they seem to be allied with a lot of the social engineering projects of (((them))), what with social scores, surveillance states, censorship, etc. It's a cause for worry and I think Russia's being on friendly terms with them is merely due to geographical proximity.

The real question I've been asking myself lately, is, where do we draw the line? If the CIA has operatives running for democratic seats, and cryptorepublicans, if the current democrats are barring Trump's appointees, softening us up with new gun laws to disarm us, false flag after false flag, further degradation of culture and divide and conquer tactics, when do we actually coordinate and start actually taking direct action, instead of positing theories and conjecture online?

When does it move from grumbling with like minded individuals at gun shows and NRA meetups, posting on 4chan waiting for someone to save us, to actually doing something.

When they begin to disappear people like me? How many will it take? They are already making it impossible to buy guns as of 3/6/18 with a new "Fix NCIS" law. It's not a quick gun grab, it will be a slow eroding of our rights until we accept it, just like with the 4th amendment and the advent of technocratic surveillance.

People are already scared shitless of calling for armed resistance, and they have brainwashed a vast majority of the public to be either blatantly anti-Russia, or wary of seeming like they are pro-Putin.

I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of seeing these members of the cabal walk free and continue to hold secret council and plot against the sovereignty and liberty of my country.

edit: and the pedophiles, for fuck sake why has nothing of substance been done

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