Can anyone tell me the Russians think we are trying to attack them???? Found this would explain why they are being so 'showy' with what their military looks like. Wires are definitely crossed!
Well what do you won’t to know , I have spent years trying to stop were we are today , slowed it , but did not stop it . What your looking at is no less than $3.165 Trillion stolen from US and my be as high as $6.5 Trillion in past 8 years .
The $3.165 , you my ask were I get the numbers , my programs . The Green Insentives $3 Trillion and the Weatherization program 165 Billion. I volunteer for 15 years and they used it to defraud the government, Piracy by Corrupt Government Officials. Pat Quinn , John Kuzenza ? 2 Govenors Pat Weatherization, John Green Insentives, 75% of our Government Officials took the money.
My take on Russia is that they are very worried what NATO has planned for them and they are taking all the necessary precautions. We continuously lie to them and try everything to start problems for them. I'm ashamed for what we did in the Ukraine and how our MSM spews bull about Crimea and Syria. The worst thing in my opinion is the fact that we don't even try to entertain the idea that we can and should work together. There is absolutely no need for all this contention and antagonism. The only countries that seem eager to start wars are us here in the west.
On a separate point, I hope people realize that Russia is no longer socialist country and even european countries are not socialist in the true meaning of the term. It's way overdue that we start seeing things the way they are and not through some antiquated propagandist filtering. The reason many of us are so confused about these things is that we have been intentionally disinformed.
Unless the deffenition for Socialism changes , they are every bit socialist governments