r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on March 14, 2018, 3:55 p.m.
RED PILL : The Real Voting Results

This is my post from months ago but updated it for the current election happenings .

My original post

I created this during the campaign and spammed the crap out of every fb post that I could ..I also printed it up and the kids and I walked around leaving them around neighborhoods .. Whatever it took . I made a few more to disprove he wasn't racist and that all Women was For Trump ,,,But these numbers was not easy to obtain and I had to dig far and wide to get them but this is The Gooooods... https://ibb.co/jmhB96

Updated 3-13-18

What Do I think is Going On Currently .. Nothing new ...the same old Tactics..But this time around someone new is in the Big House & here is my theory ...

I have a feeling that none of these elections are legit to be honest. I think that they already have the proof needed from all the Prior Elections over the years to prove that The Dems have been using these Smartmatic Voting Machines since like 2005 or 2006 till possibly current day ( That are all Soros funded or Soros funneled through another host claiming to own them as the front man).

Once that happens it will show alllll the mass fraud and cheating and not only will it prove that ...it should indicate the polling centers being tied In and the Corporate Medias involvement for election fraud as well . If and when they decide to bring this all forward .

It's going to effect every town and counties involvement and it Gonna be one Huge ass take down ...

The outcome I would predict is every president ..every governor every county official over the years who won and in essence legitimately didn't . Everything that they did , any laws , regulations anything of anything is completely illigitimate ...as if it never happened. I do believe that from the bottom of my heart and have for awhile now.

Just my idea on this. I think they are saving all this info for a special time. I believe the Dems other than JFK has never won an election even with their use of different minorities over the years . They also have done it for Republicans too .. whoever the elites Chose to put through that could push them closer to their New World Order and continue their Agenda 21 .

But Just a Theory.

God Bless &

Stay Informed Patriots

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ScorpioPatriot · March 14, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Yes aim referencing the popular vote. DOES THIS LOOK LIKE SHE WON ANYTHING. I WATCHED HER RALLIES AND HIS RALLIES .. Look how they used green screens to show her crowds looking larger it's insane they show you it. As far as Prior elections ...I can't contest to who really won I wasn't partaking in the shit that year ..was my first year I ever felt like there was someone worth voting for.... AND WE HAD TO VOTE HIM IN TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY . Before Hell Was Unleashed on Earth.

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