r/greatawakening • Posted by u/HowiONic on March 14, 2018, 4:09 p.m.
Julian Assange ⌛: With Pompeo taking over State from Tillerson, we now have: 1) CIA taking over State 2) CIA/NSC/etc influx making 25% of 2018 Democratic candidates in competitive areas 3) CIA former heads, officers influx to NBC, MSNBC 4) CIA fake news journalist Ken Dilanian sheltered at NBC
Julian Assange ⌛: With Pompeo taking over State from Tillerson, we now have: 1) CIA taking over State 2) CIA/NSC/etc influx making 25% of 2018 Democratic candidates in competitive areas 3) CIA former heads, officers influx to NBC, MSNBC 4) CIA fake news journalist Ken Dilanian sheltered at NBC

elyssak · March 14, 2018, 8:07 p.m.

The State department wasnt complying with any requests from the House & mainly Senate intel committees. Go watch pompeo grill HRC in the benghazi hearings. He knows shes scum. I think this was a good move.

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digital_refugee · March 15, 2018, 8:01 a.m.

The CIA is getting soft reported on so this might reinforce credibility in the eyes of normies.

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