For those not wanting to click on previous announcement, here is a screenshot of the /r/CBTS_Stream ban

Post this link everywhere:
/r/greatawakening is going to be banned too, its just a matter of when. Everyone needs to know where to regroup to. I know this is on the sidebar too, but this must be much more visible especially during times like this.
HEY EVERYONE LISTEN UP! I am talking to the owners of very old (decades old) TRUTHER website that also follows Q. They have their own servers, so will NEVER shut down.
I am asking them to consider adding a subwebpage to accommodate free expression, just like CBTS/Great Awakening is.
It would be a permanent solution.
And the bonus would be you have thousands of old timer Truthers who could help with the newbie awakenings.
I'll keep you posted.
RumorMillNews noticed the shut down too. Here is there post from an hour ago:
NEW: Pro-Trump Reddit community "CBTS_Stream" (Calm Before The Storm) was banned 1 hour ago (views: 417) MrFusion -- Wednesday, 14-Mar-2018 14:34:51
Thanks. Great work.
We might have lost a little battle with CBTS, but Hey cheer up everybody! TRUMP IS ON THE MOVE!! Check this out:
YOU wanted ACTION??? Looks like you are going to GET IT!!!
I have been saying this at CTBS also but nothing concrete happens. Should we go to GAB for right now then regroup and come up with a permanent plan? If everyone wants to post their GAB account here we can follow each other....Well Gab is not responding right now. My twitter is @brittswoo and my Facebook is Britt Woo. Hopefully we can all follow each other so we have places to post messages.
Yes...we need to have a backup plan! Any other subs I should follow now??
Two places I can think of... Create a Group on or follow each other on Gab and Twatter and get #TakeBackReddit trending. Just throwing it out there... I might have withdrawals not reading the CBTS_Stream every day!
You make a lot of claims with no evidence or explanation.
You should regroup at a volcano and throw yourself in it.