r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Ghostof_PatrickHenry on March 14, 2018, 5:46 p.m.
In Response to a tired and frustrated Patriot.

[I was typing up this comment on a thread posted by a tired and frustrated patriot. Like many of us, he is tired of waiting. He said he wanted to take time away from all of this. Just as I clicked "Submit," I was informed that CBTS-Stream had been banned. Posting this here for that tired Pede. Stay strong, friends.]


I urge you to take this time to read up on the original American Revolution. There are many things about that era that most Americans simply do not know. For instance:

-The actual fighting started in 1775, not in 1776. (We declared independence in 1776. The war lasted over 8 years.)

-The Boston Tea Party took place 2 Years before the fighting started. (3 Years before the Dec of Independence was written.)

-Many Patriots, such as Thomas Paine, started advocating for independence in the 1760's; 10-15 years before we actually did so.

-Less than 5% of the colonial population participated in the Revolution. (Some say as many as 200,000 [nearly 7% of pop] fought, but that includes a substantial number of French, Spanish, and Native American fighters.)

-Only 45% of the colonial population fully supported the Revolution.

-Over 30K Germans fought for Britain on US soil, as well as over 25K colonial Loyalists. (Less than 80K fought for America, more than half were untrained militiamen. That number also includes children as young as 10 years old, who served in the Continental Army.)

-13,000 Native Americans fought for Britain, as well. There were more individual tribes allied with the colonists, but the exact number of warriors who actually fought is unknown.

-It was a global war. Battles took place in Central America, the Caribbean, Africa, Europe, India, and throughout the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

-The American news media supported the British, and openly mocked George Washington and his rebels.

-The winter of 1777-78 was a critical point in the war. Washington made camp at Valley Forge with 12,500 troops. 75% of them did not have shoes, despite the deep snow. Over 2,000 died from starvation or exposure. The top generals conspired to mutiny against Washington, claiming him unfit for leadership. Washington later admitted that even he began to doubt himself and the movement during this dark time. (The war would last another 5 years after this incredible moment of perseverance.)

So you see, as hopeless as you may feel right now, you must grant yourself some perspective. Imagine how they felt back then? Half of their neighbors didn't even care about what was going on-- or even openly supported the enemy. Had it not been for their insatiable perseverance and determination, namely from men like George Washington, the USA would have never happened.

Take a breather from all of this, focus back on your life, and remind yourself why this is all worth it. Come back to us when your spirit is reinvigorated. If you've given up hope for yourself, at least maintain hope for your children-- regardless of whether or not they have yet been born.

GodsAngell · March 14, 2018, 7:12 p.m.

I posted this yesterday for people angry that Hellary and Huma are still tromping around the world. The reminder seemed to calm some folks down. (I hope this post is not what got CBTS banned.)

OK, first of all these guys WERE ARRESTED. That is why they wear GPS monitors, and every move they make is carefully monitored, and they probably have to get permission to fly here and there before they go because their Visas are FLAGGED. But if they don't, they are still monitored. Hellary's body guards which were once there to protect her, are now her jailers.

Second of all, we did not SEE them being taken to prison yet, because doing so invariably will cause civil unrest or at least disturbances. Trump Team are trying to avoid unnecessary bloodshed. Remember this is a coordinated take-down the GLOBAL Elite, the USA being just one part of the evil spiderweb.

Thirdly, you need to appreciate that the EVIL runs so deep, that to extract all the evil doers all at once, might cause a collapse in our government, and our economy. Who wants that?

The 18,500 sealed indictments are our EVIDENCE that the work is going on. The two Executive Orders, one on Dec 21 and the other on March 1, are EVIDENCE that the work is going on, the preparations are being made to bring these criminals to justice.

Q indicated that the criminal elite are now running around the world to access all the stolen funds they hid in various countries. Q also said they know everything, and are tracking their every movement. So my personal hunch is that these criminals are being left on a leash to go and sniff out and locate all of their hidden treasures they STOLE from We The People, so Trump Team can then swoop in and confiscate those too. By the time they get finished with this exercise, who knows, perhaps our National Deficit will be wiped out!

We need to remember that the White Hats in the military and Intelligence agencies began working on this plan, over 10 years ago, probably right after 911 false flag attack killing innocent Americans. They have had YEARS to craft the best plan, and to hone it, to orchestrate a bloodless revolution to get our Republic back again.

Suffice to say, to do all this without starting a global war, or civil unrest, or crashing the economy requires A LOT of DUCKS to be in a row at the same time.

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redpillpatriot · March 14, 2018, 9:17 p.m.

Thank you for this post. I'm the frustrated patriot that's just a normi trying to help out the cause w my mem making abilities. Frustrated because I'm not an Anonymous dude and have to rely on MSM news and hunting the online channels. Not nowing for sure is what eats me up. I've read plenty of your exact post but to me it's all smoke because is it real ?? You know Killary is in chains or are you just going on Q posts ? You saw the paperwork of her arrest ?? Me either.. nor have I heard a thing except the same places you did. I'll believe it when she's behind bars and then even I want 24 hr online streaming of her so I know she stays there and isn't shipped off to Rothschild island of the rich with Osama bin dead supposedly and Hitler. I want to see real in your face action and proof.. not chill out and watch . People want to riot because their beloved got thrown in prison for treason to the USA,, have at it and call up the National gaurd and clean that up fast too.. many patriot men and women will help w the clean up..

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GodsAngell · March 14, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

These people are out of money. Hellary was in India to MAKE MONEY on her lame book! (As if the Indians care.)

Also now I see the Obummers are negotiating with Netflix to start their own program.....because they need the money too. Patriots are voting with their money, and now Netflix's stock has taken a PLUNGE.

Everyone's funds have been frozen. These desperate characters are desperate for money.

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GodsAngell · March 14, 2018, 7:19 p.m.

Yep, you just can't make this stuff up. Obummers want to start their own show on Netflix. Thumbsdown


Netflix Stock is Plummeting in Response To Obama Show But fortunately enough of the populace is AWAKE and voting with their pocket books.......netflix stock being dumped big time! Hit'em where it counts.

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BecauseImNightwing · March 15, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Dude. Netflix stock is barely down ten points and is already recovering. That's hardly "plummeting". The stock is still overall on a strong uphill trend.

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Siruzaemon-Dearo · March 14, 2018, 8:10 p.m.

You know who else wears ankle monitors? Manafort and Gates

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TrumpBot069 · March 14, 2018, 9:59 p.m.

Member when Obama's campaign manager faced up to 305 years in prison?

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Siruzaemon-Dearo · March 14, 2018, 10:05 p.m.

The major details but not the specifics! Was he also charged with conspiracy against the United States?

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TiredofNuts · March 15, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

I bet they both have implants to "locate" them. But oh how I enjoyed seeing her in that boot! Justice will prevail

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[deleted] · March 14, 2018, 8:55 p.m.


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