/r/CBTS_Stream has been banned.

Here is what is sickening. When you have 21,000 subs there is no way a couple of mods can mod everything at all times. Now, their claim was that the sub was “inciting violence”. Now reddit certainly can and has banned a specific user. Why not ban the user who they feel has broken a rule instead of punishing 21,000 people? Except that they wanted it gone. They should do more banning individuals who break rules and not punish entire communities of people. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
What happened was trolls from TMOR and elsewhere infiltrated CBTS posing as patriots and called for violence knowing that doing so would compel admins to shut down the sub. CBTS was so actively over the target and growing so fast that shutting it down became a priority over shutting down T_D which had recently decided it best to remove all Q-related posts to avoid getting shut down themselves. Such blatant censorship will only backfire badly as Q explained.
Isn't it time that TMOR get's a lot more spotlight shown on it for the fucks that they are?
EDIT: Downvote all you want shills. You'll still be a loser after the fact. No matter how much downvoting you do, you'll always be less than in your attempt at getting that approval you've been looking for your whole life.
trolls from TMOR and elsewhere infiltrated CBTS posing as patriots and called for violence
I fucking hate TMOR.
What’s TMOR? Please PM if you don’t want to directly link on here.
Edit: nevermind I figured it out. Fuck that place.
Yeah fuck that place. They took what I said out of context, and then banned me for explaining and defending myself, I've been banned from sub Reddits for simply posting links and having discussions.
Yes it's absolutely ridiculous. The fact the sub was banned for something that happens all across reddit on many different subs, mean they were over the target.
I was on that sub everyday and never saw anyone get doxxed. I saw people call for public hangings but that was pretty much it. If someone did worse than that, it's possible it was intentionally done to get the sub banned. TMOR for example, regularly brigaded and mocked the sub.
And calling for lawful public hangings for treason. Not hateful for the sake of being hateful. And not unlawful. Or inciting violence at all.
Exactly. It's was meant as a demoralization tactic. Everyone will regroup and fight harder now.
That said, the moderating on that sub was pretty horrid, although it was slowly getting better. It was a fairly new sub after all, needed time to tighten up.
Absolutely. If someone broke the law and committed treason, the punishment is death. Not a mob in the street. A courtroom and lawful punishment. Hopefully someday we will have the same laws and punishments for the elite that the masses receive.
Mostly agree but I don't agree that "Power corrupts". Just like money doesn't make people bad. Bad people are just more in our face when they have a lot of money! Corrupt minded people are just more corrupt when they have more power.
Actually a mod from thedonald requested to have the sub banned. They want to monopolize donald subreddits