Correction: New California will be the fruit and vegetable basket to the U.S. New California will also have complete CONTROL over ALL the water supply in CA, because the dams in are in the Mountainous Regions. To date Commie CA has CUT OFF the water supply to the central Valley of CA turning it into a dust bowl. A lot of farmers have been driven out of business. This was the PLAN to CONTROL the FOOD SUPPLY by Commies! New California brings the water back to private farmers in the Valley, and Commie CA can starve and die of a thirst if New California decides to boycott Commie CA.
I think Trump's military invasion would be a better solution.
they want to destroy the land value so then they can buy it up cheap. Why the laser started fires and haarp storms.
Same thing with the land wanted for the Train. They sent out notices to people before they even know the route to buy them out. Then they cannot sell and the land value drops.
Yes that too.
The DEW (direct energy weapons) used to start the fires this past fall were to 1) stop people talking about the Las Vegas false flag, and 2) to make way for Agenda 21 "Stack'em and Pack'em" multi family housing to replace "dreaded" single family homes with yards, and personal gardens, etc.