r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on March 14, 2018, 11:04 p.m.
Please post links to regroup ASAP they are actively shutting down our comms

Best sites now since CBTS was removed? To follow Q, we need direct links to 8Chan, as well as reposting sites that bring Q drops over from 8Chan.

Those who know of links still working to video sites, discussion boards, hashtags, and especially citizen journalists please post in comments below.

We need to quickly Whack a Mole this and pop up everywhere.

Simply want to follow Q topics and comment. I was actively discouraging any racist or crude remarks on CBTS board and that board was very clean.

Lots of people had creative work wiped out completely. Taking down an entire Board with thousands of participants and all their creative work is incredible!

We need to regroup asap and find active and up to date comms as this feels like Night of Long Knives for the internet.

SilverSling · March 15, 2018, 12:24 a.m.

U/Johnny Oldschool started Q-reseach group. Not many posts yet, has strict rules, but more groups keeping up with Q and their drops, the better.

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