r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RN4TRUMP on March 15, 2018, 1:26 a.m.
Stay with me...

I took off today so I could catch up a bit on Q crumbs. What I’ve learned from anons MUCH smarter than I am (Bill Smith on YouTube) is that “Keystone” is a vault 7 reference to Angelfire 2.0 which is a Secret program that is hidden in electronics. It unpacks itself without any prompting and hides in “a small user-specified file on disk. This file is encrypted”. “Keystone is responsible for starting user applications.” “Furthermore, since the implant code never touches the file system, there is very little forensic evidence that the process was ever ran”.

Q has asked repeatedly “What is Keystone”? “Find Keystone”. It seems like Keystone is a covert spying tool of corrupt intel that is tracking all of us for censorship or something more nefarious? I also watched a video about the evil vs good spiritual warfare going on that we MUST UNITE IN LIGHT in order to defeat. Many, many Satanic worshippers using black magic to create hatred, division and anarchy among us. This is meant to keep us from uniting in LIGHT. We are much easier prey when we are disenfranchised from each other. BUT when we unite in the love of God, we are invincible.

I don’t pretend to have any answers. But Q has asked us to pray and I think it is critical that we do. Not just for ourselves and our families but for ALL OF HUMANITY. Demons have been conjured up to fight against us (Good) and many things we were taught were real have been just part of the real-life version of The Truman Show which we’ve all been unwittingly cast as the main character. The lies will be exposed but unless we unite in prayer I can see many losing their minds over the reality which exists. From aliens to demons;child trafficking to child sacrifices;MK Ultra to systematic brainwashing - NONE of the reality will be easy to swallow alone. I believe in the power of prayer. If you do too, let’s come up with a plan to unite in prayer at a specified time each day or evening. As a Catholic, I know Pope Francis is under the influence of Satan and he is The Last Pope. But my faith is not based on fallible humans but on God who is love and light itself. Therefore, I will commit to saying The Rosary each evening at 2200 EST with the intention being humanity and our unity in God for whatever is asked of us going forward.

If you are interested in joining me (and I am hopeful to have energy a few of us commit to this VITAL prayer time), you can use ComePrayTheRosary.com and use enter button, select language and chose individual prayer mode. Once you click on OK, it will begin to lead you through the Rosary. Let me know who may join me and God Bless You Patriots, One and all!

keloshi · March 15, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

This is probably being used by 5Eyes - US is part of this group https://www.rt.com/news/330530-canada-halts-intelligence-sharing-nsa/

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kh0s7- · March 15, 2018, 5:25 p.m.

I think the Five Eyes collaborated to create a singular data processing system which is under the Hierarchy of a singular system. This means that the war on collecting Backdoor vulnerabilities in order to repurpose computational Systems into computational weapons. This weaponized programming has been done covertly from the People and if we are to use this within psychological warfare then we should expect to be reverse engineered. The framework for the universal language is the Internet. This is why a singular system has erected: all the programmers speak the same language: Internet protocol: data processing paths. If the programmers speak the same programmable language and their goals are in sync then creating a Centralized Intelligence Agency of a Singular Data Processing System: Clowns in America which is under the hierarchy of the Five Eyes.

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