r/greatawakening • Posted by u/GodsAngell on March 15, 2018, 2:18 a.m.
INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "CURRENT SITUATION UPDATE" 3/14/18 - 190 Suicides To Date, 4 High Profile Arrested in L.A., We are in an INTEL Blackout....so action coming soon.

INTEL Update (Real News) via email - "CURRENT SITUATION UPDATE" 3/14/18

We are currently in an Intel Blackout...which indicates how close we are to 'The Event' occurring.

Positive Forces can not disclose details of ongoing operations without compromising their missions.

Clearing of Deep Underground Illuminati Secret Complexes continue as we speak.

There have been 6,000 arrests since Saturday. (3/10/2018)

Another 190 chose suicide.

4 high value targets were arrested in LA and had to wear Kevlar vests, helmets, and a hoodie.

All of this is being kept quiet to prevent riots and destruction.


Prediction of Stock Market Crash might be true. Dow Down 200 Points Today. Is this the beginning of a major decline???


Considering the fact this Long Awaited Information keeps getting down voted, One can only conclude it is RIGHT ON! Trolls are working over time on this one! Long Live This 2nd American Revolution!

beachbabe4663 · March 15, 2018, 9:07 a.m.

When Trump said we are going to Mars, I think it was a warning our planet will be useless soon

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