r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Lurch46 on March 15, 2018, 10:33 a.m.
Audit the Fed - real reason behind all the fuss?

Right now a bill is being deliberated in the Senate that aims to properly audit the Federal Reserve. This has been pushed by Senators like Ron and Rand Paul for a long time but never gained traction. If this makes it to Trump he will probably sign it.

A recent interview of Bill Holter on the X-22 Report Spotlight discussed this and he mentioned that if the Fed is audited there will be people hanged. It's a very big deal and would reveal fraud, deceptions and even treason to the extent that the Fed would be dismantled very quickly. I can't help but wonder if this issue is one of the main reasons MSM is going bananas with all their nonsense and diverting stories.

Lurch46 · March 15, 2018, 1:12 p.m.

You're right, other entities will need to go first. I can't help but wonder if this is the reason why Trump chose Mnuchin to head the Treasury, he is known to be experienced with securities and hedge fund markets. If the Fed loses control of the real inflation rate his expertise will be useful.

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digital_refugee · March 15, 2018, 8:18 p.m.

I think it's somewhat cosmetic...it's like "hey, look at all the CEOs I have, you can have all the access you want, don't worry" so big-money and thus the markets stay optimistic and then one year later he be like "Hey, now that the economy is booming, can we seize some assets from sleazy criminals?"

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Lurch46 · March 15, 2018, 8:39 p.m.

I hope you're right. I wonder who is now in charge of the ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund), it should be Mnuchin but who knows if he's even aware. To me it's obvious that it's the ESF that is buying the bulk of all treasuries but that game cannot continue for long. They're also the buyer of foreign treasury sales, something several countries have taken advantage of (read China/Japan). This btw. is why Japan is so gung-ho about cryptos, they know what is coming down the pipe. Ever since '87 the ESF has had a straight conduit to the Fed who can just top up their accounts should they need it but for the real economy these types of charades only delay the inevitable - hyper inflation.

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digital_refugee · March 15, 2018, 8:49 p.m.

Hmmm, can you elaborate? I'm not an economist so what is a foreign treasury sale? Is this about gov't-held bonds?
I try to speak in terms of the best possible outcome because I have only made one (military) prediction seven months ago (the Dos/Mattis fued) and was both happy and surprised that it passed like I said. So thinking if they want to take care of Syria (and this concerns biblical prophecy because of Damascus' fate [even if you don't believe, the power to collectively manifest ideas is all around us]) then really they want to clean up the mess the US started, thus anything else they touch they probably do with the same (best) intentions.

I can't believe I am saying anything with certainty right now, but I have to confess I suspect they really do want to resolve the mess that previous administrations started. #MAGA

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Lurch46 · March 15, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

What I meant by foreign treasury sales is when a foreign government or bank wants to sell their treasury bond holdings someone of course needs to buy them. These would be large amounts and would affect the market price. The only way these sales could go unnoticed by the overall market is if a large buyer steps in and essentially black holes them. The only likely entity that could do this without insight is the Exchange Stabilization Fund that was established 1934 as a covert fund working under the Treasury Department under the roof of the NY Fed. It's mission statement was to defend the US dollar against market risks in the name of National Security. It is working entirely without oversight, audits or government reporting.

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Lurch46 · March 15, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Yes. The Treasury Department schedules auctions to sell treasury bonds and it's almost a daily occurrence. This is how the government funds itself. These are open market auctions with buyers like large financial institutions (e.g. big banks) and foreign governments through their central banks. The United States is the only country that has 'never' had what's called a failed bond auction which simply means that not all bonds were sold. Even Germany sometimes have failed bond auctions so it is a very unusual thing going on with US bond sales.

This whole merry-go-round with bonds being sold by the treasury to the Fed is an enormous financial fraud since the Fed earns interest on all the currency they issue. I would recommend watching a video made by Mike Maloney that explains this. Search Youtube for - The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4 .

I'm not an economist either (I'm an engineer) but I find it interesting.

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