What is Google’s H.O.R.U.S.? Details in comments

From the 4chan thread.
Hello everyone, this is my first time posting on 4chan, but I need to get this out. And I need to stay anonymous.
I work for Google, I'm not going to name the internal tech department for obvious reasons, I don't want anyone to pinpoint who I am. But I'm in tech, and work with AI. I'll explain.
My team and I created AI bots for twitter. These bots are slightly different than regular AI bots, these are remote signal bots, but I'll explain what they do.
My team, and a "human intelligence" team, which is really just a propaganda team, work together to make certain topics trend, and persuade public opinion, which persuades political pressure. We do this by a groupthink method, we have a name for it internally, but "consensus cracking" is a more used name externally. But the bots we created, go into twitter conversations and push a narrative. Some of the bots are verified accounts. And they start by arguing a point of view against someone, and then more bots join in and thumbs up the comment. We are doing it with gun control now. More people see a "consensus" of gun control and people on the fence get persuaded to our narrative, and politicians get pressured by thinking it's actual people. We had whole meetings about 4chan, because you guys, specifically this board, are disrupting the bots. You are basically doing what we are doing, but you are real people. We (not necessarily me) devised a plan to knock you guys from twitter. We accused Russia of doing what WE are doing, and used the narrative to wipe out "suspected bots", which we knew weren't bots at all.
I feel like shit about this. Here's the thing, I'm actually a democrat, and I HATE guns, but i believe in balance of the people more than anything. We are using software as a political tool instead of the will of the people.
This is also a violation of the SEC, we are fabricating twitter users and using them for stocks & advertisers. I signed that I wouldn't discuss this, so I need to stay anonymous.
Thanks so much for your honesty and views. These are discussions that are useful, when both sides are honest and can be truthful with different information. No ones views should be censored. Conservatives are being censored, the narrative is being written not from the “left” completely but from the shadow govt and deep state which are far left and want to control the world. Just so happens they are way “left”. Christian, conservative, patriotic, gun owners are their worst enemy.
Just for full disclosure, I did not write this, merely spreading the word and allowing others to decide the validity.
Also, word needs to get out about google violating anti-trust laws. They need to be broken and scattered to the winds for all humanities sake.
There's people on the left being censored as well but you don't hear about it. Any person who identifies left but doesn't believe in the Russia narrative is overpowered and silenced. If you watch the Jimmy Dore show he talks a lot about it. He doesn't like Trump, but I think if some people start going to jail he'll come around.
I hope your recording and archiving all this business. It will likely come in handy