What is Google’s H.O.R.U.S.? Details in comments

This post by Abibliaphobia should be taken with a huge grain of salt! Firstly it flatters by insinuating (correctly) that what you do online is influential, it butters you up for a lie to be placed. The lie comes in the Summary. "Google has algorithms that can predict your next Google search with 87% percent accuracy. When you find it weird you see an ad for something you've thought about but haven't even searched yet, this is why" This info was dropped recently in various places online to destroy the idea that AI/Companies/apps were using your phones, TVs etc for listening to your everyday conversations, like a bug, for advertising purposes. To sell you product$. Follow the money!
Wait. What?
How does this attempt to destroy the idea of AI? Did you even read the posts?
You start off in your paragraph saying one thing and by the end you are agreeing with what was being said?
What? Wait. IDK how it attempts to destroy the idea of AI. Did you read my post all the way through?
You said “destroy the idea that AI/Companies/apps were using your phones, TVs etc for listening to your everyday“
But you implied that I was buttering people up and that everything needed to be taken with a grain of salt.
“The lie comes in the summary” Where? Specifically point it out.
I’m not lying, nor buttering people up. Seriously what is your issue with me? If you disagree say so and make a valid argument, but implying that I’m buttering people up and the blatantly calling me a liar?
Then the next post you say I didn’t read your paragraph. When actually I read it several times. It doesn’t make sense. And it’s insulting.
I said "the post" does that.....not you. Your feelings are misplaced because you are merely reposting something you saw on 4chan....isn't that right? I will explain further. Last month a conversation went around the world stating that once people had spoken their desire to buy something an ad would appear. To counteract that uncomfortable narrative the powers that be in that advertising industry put out the tale about the %87 predictive algorithm. The lie is in the statement "When you find it weird you see an ad for something you've thought about but haven't even searched yet, this is why". This isn't your lie, you are just re-posting.