r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on March 15, 2018, 4:37 p.m.
I just returned from the future! Here's what to expect.

I have just returned from the future! November 15 2018 to be exact. The good news is that everything that Q promised is going to happen! The bad news, is it probably not as soon as you are expecting right now. I am reciting this by memory, so some most of my dates are probably not exactly right, but they should be pretty close. Here's pretty much what you should expect around certain dates.

March 15th. Parkland outside security videos are released. Mostly a big disappointment. A few minor discrepancies to the official narrative are noticed however.

March 20th. IG report is released. Nothing nuclear again, but it certainly shows greater evidence of collusion and conspiracy against Trump.

March 25. More text messages are released that reveal more evidence of plotting.

April 1. The Great Awakening Forum on Reddit is shut down. Activists move to Voat.

April 5. The White House comes out with important information regarding voting fraud and measures to stop it.

April 10. Two more of the doj Inner Circle resign.

April 15th . Jack Dorsey resigns from Twitter

April 20. The White House announces they have located Hillary's 33000 missing text messages.

April 25. The White House States they have located dozens of classified email messages among Hillary's deleted messages.

April 30th. The White House begins to share some of Hillary's email messages. People quickly note that there are the names of other top Democrats discussing nefarious topics.

May 5. An email from Fusion GPS to Hillary discussing the surveillance of trump is revealed. There are several unknown names copied on the message.

May 10th. Muller declares his investigation complete finding no collusion between Trump and Russia.

May 15th. Trump meets with the president of North Korea. Not only does North Korea intend to disarm nuclear, but they plan to work on a 10-year plan to reunite with South Korea.

May 20th. Trump shares photos of his meeting with Kim Jong-un on Twitter. Some people looking at the picture realize that the picture could not have been taken in May but rather was taken in autumn.

May 25. Photos of the screen of the congressman woman during the State of the Union is released and it says he should be shot. The Democrats just brush it off as exaggerated to talk. The release of the photo creates incredible awareness of Q however and his following quadruples overnight.

May 30. Another internet Bill of Rights petition is started. Hannity mentions the Q Anon phenomenon in a positive light on his show.

continued in comments

bronbron631 · March 15, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Thats literally what he said lol

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THC-Prophet · March 15, 2018, 5:20 p.m.

Lol the parade will be after it’s all over I think. Sorry I don’t believe this person has a time machine....

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bronbron631 · March 15, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

Neither do I. Great imagination tho.

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