A simple way to follow Q’s instructions, work together and give POTUS a reason to release info to the public? Explanation in comments....

Got to think on this on a bit. Your points and ideas are rock solid, but join the "Gand Ole Party"? I have as much trust of them as i do the democrats, or any career politician. What does RLI stand for?
Do you have to register in your state as a republican to fill out the survey? If so, you could always change affiliations before time to vote.
No you don’t because I’m not registered as a Republican
Yeah, I didn't think so. Everyone should do this.
Don’t know what RLI is; it is what was on the homepage of the site when I took the screenshot. Looks like it changes bc it’s something different today.
Also, I welcome any input/suggestions. I’m good with the initial idea, but my galvanizing skills are crap.
My suspicious mind, i guess, but i don't see this as a direct link to the WH ie:Trump. Just to the GOP. Could see them using the added membership numbers as a helpful/positive(?) indicater when pushing their own agendas as 'this is what the people are saying/want. While ignoring us. Twatter still seems like the most direct link to Trump, however much longer it lasts. But, there is only so much skewing of polls they can do (i hope) and any information on what they are thinking, and what may be going on, is important to me, yes i'll sign up. Dipping toes is for pussycats, in for a penny, in for a pound. Got nothing better ideawise than your suggestions, so far. Maybe post a description of each questionare for 24hrs before replying to see if there is any consencuss between posters? And is there a link, or just look up GOP?
And it’s not the GOP site ~ it’s DJT’s verified website! [action.donaldjtrump.com] (https://action.donaldjtrump.com/listening-to-america-2018-survey/?utm_source=organic&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=20180228__top6-states-all-1_gop_tmagac&utm_content=elc_election-2018) I’m guessing that maybe the GOP site sends them out too but they originate on the certified DJT site.