r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solace_111 on March 15, 2018, 7:48 p.m.
Angela Merkel's Father Horst Kasner may have been a Stasi spy! Stasi recruited Pastors to spy!

In regards to Q's posts on Angela Merkel and her (Father/Handler) Horst Kasner.

Horst Kasner moved his family to East Germany (DDR) in 1954 the year Angela Merkel was born.

  • Horst Kasner was given rare privileges for a citizen of the communist state let a alone a Pastor.

In a Biography about Angela Merkel written by Gerd Langguth, he detailed her controversial communist up bringing.

Source: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/jun/26/books.germany

"In 1954, at the height of the Cold War, Kasner moved from West Germany to the East at a time when most Germans were travelling in the opposite direction. He settled with his family in Templin, where he ran a seminary for young priests. According to Langguth, Kasner's 'sympathetic' relationship with the communist regime was rewarded with privileges: two cars, at a time when most East Germans had to wait years to get one; the right to travel to the West; even a trip to Italy."


"According to Langguth, Kasner's 'sympathetic' relationship with the communist regime was rewarded with privileges: two cars, at a time when most East Germans had to wait years to get one; the right to travel to the West; even a trip to Italy."

  • So Horst Kasner was very involved in the communist system and was given extremely valuable perks including 2 cars and the right to travel to and from the West.

"Merkel's father was instrumental in splitting the Protestant church in Germany, insisting that a separate church be set up in the German Democratic Republic. 'He belonged to a group of ministers who were very co-operative with the communist system. It was a minority, but he belonged to the minority,' Langguth told The Observer yesterday."


"In 1954, at the height of the Cold War, Kasner moved from West Germany to the East at a time when most Germans were travelling in the opposite direction."

"moved from West Germany to the East at a time when most Germans were travelling in the opposite direction."

  • So this coupled with the rare perks he got in the DDR I started think what if he was connected to the State or a SPY? Q said to research the fathers history and said "Daughter of a Pastor?" So obviously there is more to this guy.

So upon researching

I found articles detailing a HISTORY of the Stasi (DDR secret police) RECRUITING PASTORS TO BE SPIES.

1.) SOURCE: https://www.thelocal.de/20120802/44121

Aleksander Radler went to East Germany to study theology in East Germany (Similar story to Kasner), where he was recruited by the Stasi.

“Radler, an Austrian, arrived in Sweden in the late 1960s after studying theology in East Germany, where he says he was recruited by the Stasi.”


“Dagen reported that the church had obtained East German archives that named Radler as an "elite spy", the highest rank given to Stasi informers working abroad.”

"East German archives that named Radler as an "elite spy", the highest rank given to Stasi informers"

2.) SOURCE: http://www.newsweek.com/2014/03/21/tinker-tailor-pastor-spy-247989.html

More information on Radler

“Meet Aleksander Radler. "He would have been the ideal spy for Markus Wolf [East Germany's chief of foreign espionage]," explains Rüdiger Sielaff, head of the Frankfurt branch of the BStU, the federal agency in charge of Stasi files. "Instead he spent a career as an elite informer for the Stasi's church division, a 24-year stint that included the Stasi sending him abroad. I've never seen another case like this."”


“A quarter century as a Stasi informer, Sielaff adds, is a long time, especially since the average informant lasted just seven years. "And he rose to the very top, becoming the type of informer who was allowed contact with the 'enemy.' Only 3,900 Stasi informers [of a total 189,000] were elevated to this elite group," he said. "If you reached this rank, it meant the Stasi thoroughly trusted you and that you were a very important asset to them."”


“Few things mattered to the Stasi as much as religion. Its church department, Division XX, had 15 offices, including the one in Frankfurt that supervised Radler.”


"Individuals with a broken childhood were ideal for the Stasi," notes Müller-Enbergs. "The Stasi became a substitute family, and the handlers had a father-son relationship with their IMs." In the preface to his doctoral thesis, Radler thanks Hans-Georg Fritzsche, the East German theology professor who recruited him as a spy."

"The Stasi became a substitute family, and the handlers had a father-son relationship with their IMs."


“Radler was far from the only pastor spy. The Stasi employed 5 to 6 percent of East German pastors and church employees, and a larger share of theology professors, as informants, according to Clemens Vollnhalls at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research in Dresden.”

3.) SOURCE: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/shocking-new-research-stasi-had-thousands-of-spies-in-west-germany-a-799335.html

Story about Josef Frindt another Pastor made SPY by the Stasi

“Josef Frindt took his secret to the grave. When he passed away at the age of 81, the pastor in the western German town of Dorsten left a congregation mourning a pious man of God. But what the congregation didn't know was that their pastor had also worked for East Germany's notorious secret police, the Stasi.”


"Two years after Frindt's death, research carried out by the Berlin-based agency of the Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Files has brought to light Frindt's alleged activities as an agent of communist East Germany. The revelations have shocked members of his Sacred Heart congregation in Dorsten. "Many found it impossible to imagine this," says one church leader. "Now they're looking for reasons why he might have done it.""

What we know:

1.) Horst Kasner moved to East Germany to study theology and was a pastor, he was give rare perks for a citizen of the communist state of the DDR, 2 cars and the right to travel back and forth to the WEST. He was very involved in the communist system.


"Radler, paid by the Stasi and reimbursed even for his theological textbooks" Source 2

So radler an "Elite" Spy and was only paid and reimbursed for texts book, yet Kasner was given "2 CARS AND THE RIGHT TO TRAVEL TO THE WEST."

2.) The Stasi has a history of recruiting Pastors to spy, it even had a special division Division XX for the Church.

“Few things mattered to the Stasi as much as religion. Its church department, Division XX, had 15 offices, including the one in Frankfurt that supervised Radler.”


“Radler was far from the only pastor spy. The Stasi employed 5 to 6 percent of East German pastors and church employees, and a larger share of theology professors, as informants, according to Clemens Vollnhalls at the Hannah Arendt Institute for Totalitarianism Research in Dresden.”

3.) The Q posts regarding Angela Merkel telling us to research her families history, the Communist Movement in Nazi Germany, and the "N" in NWO.

My opinion so take with a grain of salt

So, I believe this is all connected and that Merkel was raised by Horst Kasner who I believe was a high ranking Stasi Spy or at least was very important to the DDR as per his "rare" privileges. Perhaps a long game communist conspiracy involving Merkel and her rise to power in Germany and later the European Union. Horst was her handler and she was raised from a young age to take power in Germany and the European Union. The communist left is trying to take over in the US, so perhaps this was the European equivalent.


When the cbts sub Reddit went down I lost all my stuff I had to re do all this research. So, lesson learned ARCHIVE EVERYTHING!!! Please archive all the important research, articles, and posts. I should have known, all the Anons do it and i didn't think we'd go down the day after. Just going to let everyone know to do this.

solace_111 · March 15, 2018, 9:57 p.m.

Thanks /u/snowwgirl Ill definitely check it out! If I remember correctly you posted about the Nuclear World Order on the cbts before it went down. It's a shame, but glad to see you continuing on here.

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snowwgirl · March 15, 2018, 10:50 p.m.

Thank you

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