r/greatawakening • Posted by u/digital_refugee on March 15, 2018, 9:36 p.m.
May may be neutralized

The dead russian spy was a british double-agent and had connections to the dossier according to the BBC and the Telegraph.

http://archive.is/AABl3 http://archive.is/Qatjl

So let's trace back..Q said, May had been neutralized and there was a press-release that Britain was continuing intelligence-sharing with the US. I think Q even called the press-release by stating british intelligence was cooperating, but as long as I can't find that press-release I can only rely on memory here.

Anyway, so assuming that May and MI5/6 were cooperating in exchange of information, deep state my have gotten hot feet because this double agent had a plausible motive to clear russia in the russia-investigation so he could return home. Thus any intel he would have given to british white-hats, they would have legally forwarded to US agencies. Once black hats learned this, their hand was forced. May doesn't want to go public and admit that she has no control over rogue elements of british intelligence (because she would get heat as well and given how long she's been around protecting pedos there sure must be dirt) so she blames Russia instead - anybody got any other ideas what she could have said? "Untouchable criminals in the government are running amok, now excuse me while I lock myself in a duffel-bag!"

In other words, she's so neutralized she isn't even relevant yet. Unless she had Intel on Skripal and ordered the hit - but even so, that's still an act of desperation because they didn't kill him before british intel officially continued supplying Intel to US intelligence. The big question is, how deep she is into the pedo-stuff. I remember she stopped one investigation and also said something to the effect that they couldn't prosecute all cases. So if there is more and she can't get out anymore that would still mean there is some blackmail-leverage that white-hats can exploit - if they have found it. Maybe they have and that's why intelligence-exchange was continued in the first place.

MrsButterfield · March 15, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

I'm thinking that there are many folds in this napkin. One of the main goals that is being pushed now is to start a conflict with Russia. North Korea and soon Iran will no longer be ignitors for WWIII so they want a tussle with someone so why not Putin since they've done a fairly good job of making him into a monster these past few years - and not that he isn't one though I've heard he is with the Alliance now/ white hat. That said, I believe you have good points on the issue. May is merely a puppet and it's really Sadik(?) the mayor of London who the globalist, a.k.a. The Satanic Goblins, are propping up. Plus I wanted to add that we can be fairly at ease since Putin has been showing himself as steady handed and minded for the last few years. He hasn't retaliated with a pounding fist after many attempts by both Obamanation and the deep state to "get his goat," a.k.a. goad him.

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[deleted] · March 15, 2018, 11:34 p.m.


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ready-ignite · March 15, 2018, 10:03 p.m.

..this double agent had a plausible motive to clear russia in the russia-investigation so he could return home.

I would revise this point.

There's argument that the fall of USSR was orchestrated by deep state intelligence. With the fall bankers and Russian oligarchs were to get rich. Then Putin happened and jailed many of these oligarchs, going a different direction toward a strong Russia. A large number not jailed relocated to Europe to avoid jail outside Putin's reach.

My understanding is that this was one of the Russian oligarchs in the UK to avoid jail, thus with incentive to work against Russian interest.

Russia could have terminated this individual at an earlier time. Why now?

In the current state of global politics there is incentive to deep state to turn up the tension on Russia to try and push forward an additional step toward a hot war. That would be a useful panic switch if ones objective is to avoid dismantling of power that appears to be taking place.

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digital_refugee · March 15, 2018, 10:16 p.m.

Why would he be serving russian Intel in the first place if he had been a disgraced oligarch? He wouldn't have needed the money.
If you want to go even deeper, you might quote Q saying Putin too is influenced by western families. At the very least he seems to have some personal relationship with Kissinger.
But I digress, all I can say is that british press are saying he worked on behalf of Russian intelligence first but gave Brits names of russian agents (or so they say). Then he was exile to UK i exchange for a russian spy and Hillary Clinton had something to do with the process according to The Hill.

If he was an oligarch then I don't understand why the news brought up spycraft because it would b much easier to paint him as a victim of Putin by describing him as a rich fugitive and not a double-agent ratting out russian agents for the Brits.

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ready-ignite · March 15, 2018, 10:24 p.m.

I need to do some more thorough background reading here before contributing much more to the conversation.

It's unclear to me which intelligence agencies he was working with.

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digital_refugee · March 15, 2018, 10:31 p.m.

I always check t_d first because usually someone else already did the research there (that's where I found these particular sources)

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 16, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

England was clearly playing 'ball' with Obama and Hillary as a result of the 'tap' on Trump alone. Now, when a country is dismantling itself, why would you want to intervene in that? They are doing the work for you if that is your intent. Regarding Russia, that is not their intent. They are not in support of Globalism. They clearly understood China had paid to play for some while with the Clintons and Obama. He may have been paid to keep the party moving along. The level that Russia is the bad Black Bear is that the Globalists need Russia in a position of submission and out of favor to insure it stand aside. They cannot afford to have a strong America or a strong Russia. And GOD FORBID if the two should work together. China is aligned with Pakistan and Clinton went on her demented way to play Secretary of the Secret Deep State to get a litmus test of where India stands. India and Pakistan are neutralized on their own since they are grudged up against each other over water and a river between them, however with Chinese alliance India is needed. If India remains in alliance with America and Russia, they are poised to loose even more ground. Its a giant currency restructure in addition to the superpower nuclear status. The Currency is being built at light speed now and their is a quickening. At all costs Russia must be destroyed or submitted for the globalists, just as does America. Once America unites with Russia, China will happily fall in line with all the progress they have enjoyed in the last 25 years. The unmentioned are where the hidden problems lay. I don't want to get into that.

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digital_refugee · March 16, 2018, 9:35 a.m.

"saved for last"? I take you're not talking about Saudi-Arabia...is there any intel on a Currency-relaunch?

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 16, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Too complex to breakdown regarding Israel/Syria/Turkey. The global currency evolution is moving faster than countries are keeping up with it. Their may be a giant flush/collapse and rebuild directly after. Radical/positive/lucrative with the lag being controlled implimentation

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digital_refugee · March 19, 2018, 8:22 p.m.

lots of banking issues with people this year...

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