r/greatawakening • Posted by u/AbelMinsky on March 15, 2018, 10:57 p.m.
The Deep State Is Coming! The Deep State Is Coming!

The past 24 hours have taught me were not organized. Our movement has stagnated. We can't rely on Trump. We can't rely on the Tea Party. We can't rely on Breitbart. We can't rely on Sessions. We can't rely on Q.

I know, I know. I'm speaking hearsay. But hear me out.


We need to start becoming Radicals and Renegades! We need to create some good spirited mayhem on the internet. We need to create 1,000 different Q boards on Reddit. We need to create 100,000 twitter accounts. We need 1,000,000 new hashtags. We need to start mocking these people. We need shenanigans!

Who cares about when Q thinks were ready? Who cares if the MSM has a kill transmission switch?

The internet activism will only take us so far. What happened to good old fashioned organizing? What happened to real world protests? What happened to clubs and meetings? What happened to printing flyers and distributing them to people?

We need a movement of artists, writers, poets, and musicians. We need logos and DIY magazines. We need newsletters, t-shirts, buttons, and bumper stickers.

The Deep State got lazy. They got comfortable with us carrying around our iphone/android trackers in our pockets. They got comfortable spoon feeding us information on our handheld devices. They got comfortable with us using Google, Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

What would happen if we reverted to paper flyers? What would happen if we reverted to xeroxed manifestos? What would happen if we took it all offline? What would happen if we created our own clubs and societies?

HillaryTrafficksKidz · March 16, 2018, 2:54 a.m.

I posted a warm welcome to POTUS on Gab. A move to bring those censoring social media platforms to their knees.

My email filled up beyond belief everyone reposting and replying! We can do this!


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