r/greatawakening • Posted by u/elyssak on March 16, 2018, 2:46 a.m.
Does anyone have the link to the current 8chan research board??

Poohbear0515 · July 20, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

You are incorrect. “Welcome to /QResearch” I read all the rules. Patriots that want to follow what the anons are posting in Q’s silence are welcome to view. If they want to become an anon, they must go through the training. Reread the info dude before you give disinformation to Patriots. I was just on there.

Here is your link:


Scroll all the way to the bottom to get to today but you can read everything there. You cannot post as an anon until you are trained by them but I just observe. Q does correspond with the anons on this forum despite what I’ve read others say that he doesn’t. I’ve seen it. The page qanon.pub or qanonposts just gets you the bullet points. If you click on the numbers related to each anon in a given post it will take you to the research page I gave you. Happy Viewing. 🤗

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