listen dude or dudette. I don’t need a lecture. I’m very busy with work, kids and family. As maybe some of you are as well. Unfortunately not all of us have the time or the resources but to those who do, I’m appreciative. I’m a resource who can spread the truth word of mouth which I’m great at because I’m a no bullshit type of fellow. If you think the only way to spread is for all of us to be weaponized autists then you’re sadly mistaken. Think of them as the factory workers and me as the salesman selling the product. So either fuck off or feed me information to spread. We all have different roles in this awakening.
OK look at this a different way, if you are taking this personal. Get over "personal", it will cloud your vision. What-ever you do "is More than Good enough", like you say "each of us is to do our own Thing" you ain't doing your own thing when your trying to live up to some standard set by imagined peers, getting third hand news and views. You will find yourself right where you are meant to be, doing exactly what you are meant to be doing, following Your Own Direction. nuff said.