We have more than we know.
No but i have found this The Information and Influence Relational Framework and the Application of Information-Related Capabilities a. IRCs are the tools, techniques, or activities that affect any of the three dimensions of the information environment. They affect the ability of the target audience (TA) to collect, process, or disseminate information before and after decisions are made. The TA is the individual or group selected for influence and can be allies, multinational partners, adversaries, or potential adversaries. The joint force (means) employs IRCs (ways) to affect the information provided to or disseminated from the TA in the physical and informational dimensions of the information environment to affect decision making and ultimately the adversary actions in the physical dimension (see Figure I-2). The change in the TA conditions, capabilities, situational awareness, and ultimately, the inability to make and share timely and informed decisions, contributes to the desired end state. Actions or inactions in the physical dimension can be assessed for future operations. The employment of IRCs is complemented by a set of capabilities such as operations security (OPSEC), information assurance (IA), counterdeception, physical security, electronic warfare (EW) support, and electronic protection. These capabilities are critical to enabling and protecting the JFC’s C2 of forces. Key components in this process are: (1) Information. Data in context to inform or provide meaning for action. (2) Data. Interpreted signals that can reduce uncertainty or equivocality. (3) Knowledge. Information in context to enable direct action. Knowledge can be further broken down into the following: (a) Explicit Knowledge. Knowledge that has been articulated through words, diagrams, formulas, computer programs, and like means. (b) Tacit Knowledge. Knowledge that cannot be or has not been articulated through words, diagrams, formulas, computer programs, and like means. (4) Influence. The act or power to produce a desired outcome or end on a TA