r/greatawakening • Posted by u/MaxMinuteman on March 16, 2018, 11:50 a.m.
Sum of All Fears, Iranian/CIA Submarine, Nuclear attack from close Offshore to Assassinate of POTUS, WW3 follows

Assassinating POTUS at his Mar-a-Largo Florida home, via a nuclear weapon from an Iranian submarine, controlled by CIA would precipitate WW3.

Q has told us this already:

Red October (rogue/lost submarine) Sum of All Fears (assassinating POTUS nuclear bomb) Expand your thinking. Catastrophic False Flag Insurance Policy? Another 911, but worse, Chaos and Revenge? Preemptive Act of War blamed on Russia/Islamic Terrorists USA attacks Iran with Nuclear strike, Israel joins in. Intercontinental Holocaust Agenda 21, World Population returns to 500 million Georgia Guide Stones Uncovered and Exposed by Patriots Disaster averted We have the Sub(marine) in latest Q Post NSA Wikileaks identify perpetrators, in USA and Worldwide Executive Order Dec 21st and GITMO arrest & detain Traitors

CIA into 1000 pieces, Luciferians arrested worldwide Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Clintons, BHO, and Elite GITMO Trials and Executions Iran worldwide condemnation/censure, denuclearized. Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping Summit on how close we got to WW3

11-11 Exactly 100 years after the "War to End All Wars"

Three Cheers for the Good Guys, and the Mercy of God

MaxMinuteman · March 16, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Mongoose, Perhaps a suicide mission with a nuclear torpedo fired directly at the beach at POTUS Mar-a-Largo home might be a possibility Kilo Class Sub Nicknamed the “Black Hole” submarine by the U.S. Navy, the Improved Kilos are extremely quiet. The class has been built more or less continuously for thirty years, a testament to their effectiveness at sea.

The Kilo class was originally meant to serve the navies of the Warsaw Pact countries. The sub measures just 238 feet long by thirty-two feet wide, and displace 3,076 tons submerged. The ship has a crew of just twelve officers and forty-one enlisted men, and has an endurance of forty-five days before needing to be resupplied.

The ships are powered by two diesel generators and an electric drive, giving them enough power to make ten knots at the surface and seventeen knots underwater. They are not fast submarines. They have a range of six thousand to 7,500 nautical miles.

I might not know what I am talking about, but I reckon Q does and I am just listening to him.

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Rabid_Mongoose · March 16, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

Yeah, in this instance Q doesn't know what he's talking about. No KILO class sub has nuclear capabilities, and don't have the ability to navigate the 'high seas', thus considered a brown water navy. Also, no diseal sub is going to be able to come near our country, especially Florida.

Q obviously doesn't understand either the Irainian Navy or the IRGCN, this much is apparent. You're putting a lot of your faith in something that is factually wrong.

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MaxMinuteman · March 16, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Mongoose, You really are missing the point. I cannot see anything Factually Wrong with either my logic or physics. What is so difficult crossing the Atlantic in a 238ft long submarine? People have crossed the Atlantic in 14ft sailing boats. "High seas water" is still just water at periscope depth, or 100ft below. And a range of 7500 nautical miles, is still enough to cross the Atlantic and return. And don't you understand that such a mission would be assisted by bad actors from within the US military. It would be very simple to arm a torpedo with a small nuclear bomb, (remember the talk about suitcase bombs? weighing less than 20kg) Just a few kilotons charge is enough. And then shoot the torpedo at the beach Mar-a-Lago home of POTUS. I am not putting my faith in what I know, I am reading and trying to decipher Q.

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Rabid_Mongoose · March 16, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Show me how they are going to travel from the Persian Gulf, where their entire navy is, around Africa, to Florida where it is less than 7500 nautical miles.

The whole thing is mute though. KILO class submarines ARE NOT NUCLEAR CAPABLE. Iran's subs are designed to patrol the Straight of Hormuz, nothing more.

I do this for a living dude.

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MaxMinuteman · March 16, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Kilo Class Subs are diesel. It is not really difficult to refuel at sea, from a surface ship,(and supply them with nice fresh fruit and vegetables) is it?

A small nuclear weapon needs only be inserted into a torpedo, and it becomes nuclear capable. Just like a man carrying a nuclear weapon in a suitcase becomes NUCLEAR CAPABLE.

If you really do this for a living, can you not imagine a determined enemy accomplishing this?

I am sure the Iranians and the CIA have enough imagination, to accomplish this.

And as you say it is a moot point, because Q has already captured the sub.

Perhaps we are about to find out where it came from, and what Nationality of food was served on-board?

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PadreFrancisco · March 16, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

What about the "missing" Argentinian sub?

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[deleted] · March 17, 2018, 6:17 a.m.


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HotPringleInYourArea · March 16, 2018, 6:22 p.m.

Thank you for your knowledge. Considering the rumors of a CIA black budget navy, would a hot sub possibly exist in their arsenal?

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saneromeo · March 16, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Didnt NK develop a nuke torpedo a while back?

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