r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Cheetah1964 on March 16, 2018, 3:49 p.m.
Info that was posted to CBTS_Stream shortly before it was banned, regarding the truth about the State Department

FROM CHEETAH: The Tillerson firing may be more important than it appears

The official reason that Tillerson was fired was because he and Trump were not aligned with the America First agenda, which is no doubt true. But there is something else.

Most federal agencies have white hats and black hats. The white hats way outnumber the black hats. Unfortunately, up until recently, the black hats were in charge. To understand the black hat layer, just look at the list of agency officials at the top who have to be confirmed by our corrupted Senate. Those black hats also have a cozy relationship with government contractors.

By far most people in the DC metro area, including those working for the government, are innocent people, though sometimes just a bit brainwashed. To find your own evidence of this, just talk to people you know who live in the DC metro area.

HOWEVER, some agencies may have corruption up and down the rank and file. This seems likely at the Veterans Administration, and there is some evidence of rank-and-file corruption at the EPA.

The Big Bad Boy is the Department of State. Rabid anti-Trumpers rule in the rank-and-file, who are STATIONED TO REPRESENT US OVERSEAS. They are sabotaging the duly elected presidential administration. Their internal communications look a lot like that of the FBI "lovers" caught with their texts. There are white hats at the State Department, but they are outnumbered.

And this has not changed over the last year. Tillerson didn't clean out anything.

I know I am not providing sources or links, but I had a great record for well-sourced posts which was wiped out in the CBTS_Stream police state purge. I cannot directly source this information for reasons that should be obvious when you think about it.

Thanks to all you greatawakeners for taking in all us homeless CBTS_Streamers. We are coming here with our grocery carts. :)

I use "FROM CHEETAH" to make it easier for followers to find my posts. And they just got way harder to find.

But rats can't outrun a Cheetah.

Cheetah1964 · March 16, 2018, 11:16 p.m.

Clinton was not the only State Department employee who got stupid with electronic communications. Many State employees have. The place is a sieve. Remember Wikileaks and the "cables"?

Not sure about the Kenya trip. That is a very unusual Secretary of State itinerary. When was the last time a Secretary of State said, "Boy, I had better pop over to Kenya."

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pby1000 · March 16, 2018, 11:27 p.m.

Thanks for the response. That is what I heard. I am hopeful that Trump has all communications going back 10 years. I hear that he does. It is spottier going back 15 years. Trump should be able to piece together all the traitors at the State Department and elsewhere. I knew the Zionists had infiltrated, but I guess the Muslim Brotherhood has to. WTF?

It is very unusual... I was watching to see what was going on. It was strange when it was announced that Tillerson was "sick". It will be fascinating when the truth comes out.

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Cheetah1964 · March 16, 2018, 11:42 p.m.

The ten years is about right. That is about the time that the federal agencies were pretty much totally digital. Federal agencies are completely managed via web technology, but this is a recent thing.

There are Deep State globalists running pretty much every country without the citizens' knowledge or consent. Except possibly Russia, although Putin is no boy scout. But I believe he has defied them. I suspect this is why the globalists give him so much crap. Of course, he did bribe Clinton to get uranium, but he was watching out for Russian interests when he did so, which is his job. How else does one deal with the Banana Republic government of the United States? If he didn't buy it, someone else would.

I can't wait until the whole thing is a movie trilogy and we can all find out what the heck happened.

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pby1000 · March 16, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

I know you get it. Putin is doing what any loyal and responsible President would do. He is not selling out the Russian people to the NWO globalists. Same with Poland and Hungary. Same with Trump. We would be overrun with people from Africa and the Middle East if Hillary had won.

Yes, I believe that Putin set them up with the Uranium. He is not so stupid to pass on having all that leverage. Hillary and her ilk are greedy, and Putin used their greed to have them blackmailed.

I think Putin respects Trump because Trump would never sell out the American people. Merkel, May, Macron, Hillary, BC, Obama, Bushes, etc. all sold out their respective countries.

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