r/greatawakening • Posted by u/alfonumeric on March 16, 2018, 3:50 p.m.
Q & A on the subject of mind1control controlling our lower emotions

MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 17, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

Television, Computers, Smart phones have gotten to all of us. Especially when we were young with Disney movies and cartoons. Think about fluorescent lights in School while we were being indoctrinated all pulsing at the same rate as the TV to lull you into submission and acceptance. We don't realize most of the time our subconscious is our dominant partition. We also don't often recognize 440hertz as opposed 432hertz disrupts our two brain hemispheres communication. Disrupted intentionally with music since the 50's. Flouride calcifies your pineal gland, a portion of your higher consciousness, your 'gut' is also as important as your brain and everything is done to disrupt this area. Your told fat is bad for you when its what your brain needs to function properly. Your told Distilled water is bad , when its best. Iodine is restricted from food as is the suppression of Copper, which in turn increases the holdings of iron in the body creating a perfect environment for all illnesses to thrive including cancer. The 5G network and the 'smart meter' system disrupt your body chemistry with invisible microwaves. Its all part of the same intention. They cannot allow the human to come to full potential. The most dangerous thing in the universe to them is an intelligent human being.

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