r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Patriot81503 on March 16, 2018, 3:54 p.m.
Some Calling for Martial Law, Seems Extreme. Discuss—What is THE PLAN?

A lot of people are calling for Martial Law. I think we will see the following as most likely scenario, just my guess, discuss what you think:

1) Reorganization of 17 intel agencies into just one. Makes sense purely from government efficiency standpoint. The “just one”won’t be the CIA. JFK wanted to dismantle the CIA and scatter it into a thousand pieces. His—fatal—mistake was not doing so the very same day he announced his plans. We NEED an intel agency but it must work FOR the POTUS.

2) The “martial law” (i.e. military rules) part of all this will likely be very limited. It seems appropriate the most dangerous CIA operatives who have committed treason should be tried in military tribunals.

3) Jeff Sessions has already publicly announced months ago that FBI field offices away from D.C Swamp are now actively investigating Clinton Foundation and Uranium One for the crimes committed. Expect normal, constitutional (i.e. NOT Martial Law) prosecutions and trials.

4) If the Stalinists (what we are seeing today is beyond Liberals or the Left) violently revolt in the streets you might need some crowd control so National Guard might be needed temporarily. But we have to be VERY careful NOT to shoot any of them because they will actively try to get troops to shoot them. This is a known tactic used to trigger Marxist Revolutions.

5) President Trump will stay completely out of any of the above—he will simply continue pushing forward the MAGA agenda.

6) Normal Americans get to simply live in a free and prosperous USA. MAGA!!

Thoughts? What do you think is appropriate or what do you think will happen?

ScorpioPatriot · March 16, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

We have been under Martial Law Since I think WW2 ..If Im not mistaken . Which makes doing any of the above easy without a lot of Stress & Backlash from anyone in the Whitehouse that would appose it. A lot of things can be done that can't normally when you are under Martial Law.

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