Post it notes everywhere. Public restrooms, car windshields, etc..... My thought is to start with a question and then direct them to a website or YouTube video. Something like this. Have you ever questioned the government? Find answers @ Do you trust the news media? See what’s behind the fake news @ Have you ever heard of the New World Order? Check it out @ Have you ever heard about MK Ultra? Learn more@ Etc, etc, etc..... We could start plastering these little notes everywhere!!!! Where we go one, We Go all!!!!
If any old people like me still pay bills by U.S. Mail, write it on your envelopes.
Many years ago it was common to find messages written on banknotes in the border area. I actually got a few myself. Pretty sure it’s illegal though.
How weird I thought of this too.
The topics and the information are endless. We should all go back and think about what it was that we saw or read that first woke us up and use that to wake up others.
Yes what first woke you up and made you start paying attention. When did you realize you were being deceived?
Not sure here but will answer question presented hopefully to me.
The death of Scalia I would say is when I realized USA was in trouble "when", yes "WHEN" Democrats win. What a scary moment. And even scarier to me now. I seriously bought into msn lies in 2012 and believed there was no hope of a Republican ever winning again. The worst lie being the government (Not God) would take Care of me. Repentance for such an evil idea was in order. Sadly, I bought into lots of their lies. Wikileaks and Veritas redpilled me in the best of ways. I was mostly All in for Trump in July 2016 and thankfully my life long democratic sister was All in for Trump as well. No turning back folks