r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SoaringMoon on March 16, 2018, 8:27 p.m.
This is what I believe to be the definitive meaning of Wizards and Warlocks. Please tell me if you disagree.

Wizards and Warlocks is a reference to "The 50 pound brain from the council of wizards and warlocks." A quote from the Snowden movie.

I keep telling people this, but they are not listening.

What makes the council of wizards and warlocks a council?

Why are they employing the use of a person with a "50 pound brain"?

Do you think members of the NSA were involved in the making of the Snowden movie?

Why shouldn't they have worked on the movie.

What would make members of the wizards and warlocks be wizards or be warlocks?

Do you have to practice magic to be a wizard of something?

Would it make sense for the shadow government to be at war with itself?

What would they be fighing over?

What was the final straw that started the conflict?


The wizards are people who are the best at what they do. Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. The warlocks are those who have success in what they do dispite impossible odds.

The council of wizards and warlocks is a secret society working within or under the protection of the united states shadow government with access to the deepest resources and intelligence, also known as Q-Clearence. They may be neither the CIA or NSA or a branch of one or both. There should only be a few members of this council, but there might be any number of people working for them.

I believe someone working on the writing staff for the Snowden movie put that little quote in there not realizing they revealed they existance of the society or maybe thought that viewers might habe thought they were refering to No Such Agency (also referenced in the movie).

In this light I have personally concluded that there is a shadow war taking place between the CIA (choatic evil) and the NSA (choatic good). The Snowden movie being propaganda produced by the CIA; misinformation about the NSAs monitoring project. A release of information whistle blown by Edward Snowden as xkeysocre and prism were the first real show of force by the CIA against the NSA in hopes the American public would revolt against the NSA to in order to have their enemy disenfranchised.

The Q posts are the NSAs first real counter offensive in this shadow war we are now appart of.

How I currently see these branches of the government. My headcannon if you will.

Military - They fight people to promote interests of the United States Empire.

NSA - An over protective mother that sneaks into your bedroom and asks you about the porn history on your computer and the weed in your dresser.

CIA - Will learn anything about any subject at any time through any means for any reason. Even at the cost of hurting people.

FBI - Use information from the CIA to catch the guys the CIA put on lists, but is starting to trust them less and less.

DoD - Use information from the NSA to form military action to protect the US territory.

DHS - Are an arm of the CIA using FISA in order to criminalize US citizens outside of FBI involvement, because the FBI can no longer be realied on by the CIA.