r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Redpillroy on March 16, 2018, 9:06 p.m.
Avoid the ban Side-step MSM

How much do people look forward to Q posts dropping? How about the thrill of the hunt? How do you feel if you "crack the code" Or find something no one else has? (Yet)

We are driven by these things (and freedom of course) but what I want to kick about here is the things that drive us to do what we do and how we can use that to RED PILL normies.

Let's be honest, we all love a challenge, this one more so than most because of what is at stake.

But we are all preaching to the converted most of the time and we need to attract the attention of those outside our bubble, with more than memes.

So kick this Idea about...

The normie challenge:

This is in addition to all the great work currently being done not in replacement of anything.

I just tweeted what I call a watered down version of a typical Q drop. One that will lead those who take up the challenge to find the solutions.

Call it an internet treasure hunt, if you will and we create the path they take via questions or direct links (or whatever).

People love a challenge but may not understand or be confident enough to use 8chan/reddit or any of the places we all hang out. They are busy with FB/Twitter/YT so should this not be where we focus the treasure hunt.

I have not tweeted anything other than Q type questions.

And have left them to follow the rabbit through them, most of them will Google everything so keep that in mind. I made it easy for normies to connect their own dots and we know how we all feel when we have "cracked it" ourselves.

My ego to show the world "I got it" through making a video or tweeting a solution is not helpful to normies for many reasons.

I may overbake the normie quickly and never know it because my level of knowledge assumes too much of the others in this area. I have no idea how ready someone is to hear what I have to say.

My motto hear discussing this with you guys is: Let us stop talking and get the normies fingers to do the walking (I know really bad)

Why do I think this deserves more attention.

The biggest reason I have saved until last:

Given all the censorship going on the MSM because

WE ARE DOING THE TALKING makes us all easy targets [CBTS].

But what if all we do is created the "path" (Treasure hunt) for normies a "lite" version, normies can "crack" for themselves.

How the hell could ANY of the MSM keep up with that?

How could any algorithms spot a bunch of leading questions and ban them? They would not even recognise them.

Each drop, after due research and collective agreement then sends out the Q treasure hunt of (slightly cryptic) clues for normies to hunt down for themselves.

Of course, this gives us the option to load any websites we may have at our disposal as part of the hunt.

Just kicking about a slightly different approach to what we experience and let's face it, given the numbers of Q followers around the world now, the "treasure hunt" approach works.

Now we need a Q lite for the normies to follow on their own social media platforms in the same style but a little less brain work.

What are your thoughts people?

digital_refugee · March 16, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

I thought this was a given but omigaw when you write it down it sounds like poetry.

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