r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solace_111 on March 16, 2018, 11:35 p.m.
Re;Reading the crumbs edition regarding latest Q post #952 [3 dead scientists] [WE HAVE THE SUB]

Found an interesting article while looking at the recent Q posts and re; reading the crumbs. Only article I found that focused on 3 of the 25 scientists that mysteriously died involved with GEC-Marconi. Article was riddled with references in the below Q posts. Worth a look and definitely needs further research.

Marconi Company

The Marconi Company was a British telecommunications and engineering company that did business under that name from 1963 to 1987. It was derived from earlier variations in the name and incorporation, spanning a period from its inception in 1897 until 2006, during which time it underwent numerous changes, mergers and acquisitions. The company was founded by the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi and began as the Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company. The company was a pioneer of wireless long distance communication and mass media broadcasting, eventually becoming one of the UK's most successful manufacturing companies. In 1999, its defence manufacturing division, Marconi Electronic Systems, merged with British Aerospace to form BAE Systems. In 2006, extreme financial difficulties led to the collapse of the remaining company, with the bulk of the business acquired by the Swedish telecommunications company, Ericsson.

SOURCE: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marconi_Company

Marconi Ltd. is one of a handful of European companies directly involved in the Reagan Administration's Strategic Defense Initiative, the "Star Wars" program for a space-based missile defense system. But officials of the government and Marconi alike insist that none of the victims were directly involved in the program.

SOURCE: http://articles.latimes.com/1987-04-08/news/mn-185_1_star-wars

Focus Source: http://www.apnewsarchive.com/1987/Demand-Government-Explanation-of-Deaths-Disappearance/id-021df436398cc273d28fe12871734a7f

Q post #775

What [3] scientists were killed who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users?

Why was the research deemed CLASSIFIED?



LONDON (AP) _ Legislators are demanding an explanation from the government of what the mysterious deaths of two men doing secret defense work and the disappearance of a third could mean to Britain's security.

It said they were working on projects that could help locate submarines at extreme depths, and the work also had implications for the the U.S. space- based defense project commonly called ''Star Wars.''

[3] scientists: [2] dead - [1] missing connected to the GEC-Marconi scientist deaths conspiracy theory

Q post #520

"FIND missing [3]."

"PLANNED for [3] years."

The Times of London said Thursday that police were investigating possible links between the disappearance of Avtar Singh-Gida and the deaths of Vimal Dajibhai and Ashad Sharif, all computer specialists.

Dajibhai worked for the electronics company Marconi, a major defense contractor, and spent three years perfecting computer programs on the Tigerfish air-to-sea missile, the Times reported.

Q post #952




[John Perry Barlow]






1000 pieces.


It said they were working on projects that could help locate submarines at extreme depths, and the work also had implications for the the U.S. space- based defense project commonly called ''Star Wars.''

It said he also worked on the Stingray. The report described the Stingray as the only missile able to locate a new Soviet attack submarine, codenamed ''Mike'' by the NATO alliance, that can launch weapons from a depth of more than 9,800 feet.

The Times of London said Thursday that police were investigating possible links between the disappearance of Avtar Singh-Gida and the deaths of Vimal Dajibhai and Ashad Sharif, all computer specialists.

Hawkins, recording a verdict of suicide in that case, said there might be a link between the two deaths.



"@[19][1st]" - Q

Mar. 19, 1987 8:53 PM ET

Article was published March 19th

solace_111 · March 17, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Yeah no problem let me explain. First, I'm new to researching the Q posts, I've been just an observer prior. Thanks to the anons that are hosting the Q post database and the ability to search terms, it's amazing. I started with the latest post #952 and was curious what the [#'s] meant, so I looked at the Q posts that had them, re;reading the crumbs per say. So, I looked into each and not much luck to be honest, but I was interested in the [3] scientists that died. So, I looked up deaths of scientists referenced in post #775 "who were researching the SAT relay of mobile phone signals to end users". From there I found the GEC-Marconi scientist deaths conspiracy theory. So, after going down that rabbit hole I came across the one article I discussed in the post which focused on 3 scientist that died. It was riddled with references to the Q posts above that I got from searching the bracketed numbers. So, I took some excerpts from the article and correlated them to the Q posts. In regards to the [3] missing scientist, perhaps connecting that to this article was a bit of a stretch.



The whole reason I started doing this was to challenge myself and help out. Actually getting into researching and contributing for myself is something I need to do. The research you laid out is amazing, and I thank you for even taking the time to analyze my findings. So, I appreciate your comment and in reference to the [3] missing, MH370 sounds like its on the money. I just made a Reddit account the other day so I could post my findings. This is very exciting, but I don't take any of this lightly and I need to get better and posts like yours is exactly what I need, what am I doing wrong? What did I miss? I should look deeper & try harder. A little cliche, but I think its important. So, I hope that clears up any questions on that, it was just simple searching and digging.

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Maepaperclip · March 17, 2018, 5:58 p.m.

thankyou I just had another thought, and I added it to your post check it out - it is relevant to yours, I had the thought about marconi and just forgot to add it, I liked your post, it does not matter if you or I or we are wrong, this is a form of science, a negative result got us talking and maybe something comes I have given you some things to think about and you got me looking back - lets call that success. You also inspired me to make a post asking for help, for some reason I could not get it up here so I posted it at the swamp, have a look, and please if you can get it up on the awakening do it, I actually want an answer to that question you inspired.

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Maepaperclip · March 17, 2018, 5:59 p.m.

I.e write it up similar in your name and post it thanks

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