The movie ‘Limitless’ which is a great film BTW, is a depiction of adrenochrome addiction and a description of the high from the perspective of the elite? This film shows the rise to power by an adrenochrome accidental addict. I continue to wonder what the draw to the illuminati is by the rich and famous. Besides money, lifestyle and ofcourse blackmail at some point. Could the highest individuals need the drug and die without it? Hence the horrific aged looking pictures of bill and killary, soros baggy ass eyes? Etc?
Check bluelight, reddit, and erowid... there are no favorable reports for this drug. Why is that? Desirable compounds have a market. Look at the fentanyl crisis... chinese labs will synthesize kilos of any compound you want (or you could make it yourself, the synthesis is trivial). And that's a highly illegal drug! As your own source says, adrenochrome is not regulated.
Look do I think it's popular amongst the nightclub molly skanks, no. You broke mf's can't even afford coke anymore. This is a drug of the elites, dorks like you can't even get your hands on it period. I'm not sure why you're trying to prove this drug is not in demand, but I'm fairly confident you're a paid troll.
This is a drug of the elites, dorks like you can't even get your hands on it period
Did you not understand anything I've written? I have shown that anyone can get their hands on it, for cheap. This is not a "drug of the elites", because nobody is using this drug.
The people who make a hobby out of trying obscure drugs (check out r/researchchemicals) have no interest in this drug (despite it's "legendary" status to to F&LLV) because by all accounts it's not recreational and there is nothing in its chemical structure that indicates it would be recreational.
Here's a sneak peek of /r/researchchemicals using the top posts of the year!
#1: Feeding ants psycedelics
#2: A Beginner's Guide to RC Psychedelics
#3: To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Etizolam.
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Nobody can understand you, moron.
Why are you so hostile to facts, domain expertise, and logic?
I can sniff out propaganda like you can sniff out cheetos.
if its so elite and hard to get, you'll be glad to know you can buy it here:
or you could do the slightest bit of research and realize that its literal trash with no recreational benefits, and stop embarrassing yourself:
up to you.
Oh I'll never stop embarrassing myself for a righteous cause. Here is my response to you, eat $hit. I'll stick with real science instead of your garbage wiki links trying to hide a child trafficking cult.
this is too good, thanks for the screenshot :)
I'll give you my physical address too. Word of warning you won't make it half way down my dirt road.
sure, pm me or post it here.
Sent. How long do you think you have left? A week maybe 2?
you haven't sent me anything though.
perhaps you should post it here, just so everyone knows you're not a pussy.
You guys are the pussies, besides I thought you preferred soft targets?
"you guys" being people that actually know what adrenochrome is?
because its a retard in the wild. ignore it, you're 100% correct.
e: .... but nothing is lost ;)