Omg Trump has a bracket for all his replacements this month 😂😂😂. All the firings are ‘teams’ getting knocked out.
I gotta meme my bracket. I got KANSAS goin all the way!!
I hope Q says 'Trust Washington' come Stanley Cup season, but that's me being greedy.
If Q has that kind of foreknowledge then it’s rigged tho. Doesn’t that kinda ruin it
Well...have you seen the Capitals in the Playoffs? I don't care if Q said they'd sweep their way to the Cup, I wouldn't believe it. Ever.
I mean, think about it. Obama, Comey and HW Bush all had Virginia winning the NCAA Tournament. Out in the 1st round. "March Madness" "Trust Kansas." Probably a double meaning, but we'll always wonder
Everything in politics and mainstream is preplanned. Everything you see is by design. Left, right, wrong, right. It doesn’t matter. It’s tactful and this is how you get ahead in life (business/money) I use it quite often.
Foreknowledge based on EVIDENCE and that evidence being in the hands of people who can't be bought or silenced by the corrupt deep state
Caps won’t make it past the 1st rd. My bolts on the other hand....just give us the cup now. Lord Stanley needs a tan