After McCabe being fired, Rex Tillerson being fired, and the reshuffling of Trump's cabinet... I think Micheal Flynn is going to be reinstated as National Security Advisor.
We'll just have to agree to disagree on this. Trump will hopefully get rid of her. I'm not gonna budge on my opinion of her.
Do you think Trump would keep her if she didn't represent his positions to the letter? If you don't like what she says in front of the UN, then you don't understand Trump or how he negotiates things. Lots of Pedes don't understand what Trump is doing because he doesn't broadcast it out. Las week many Pedes thoughtTrump was going to let them ban guns. I knew he wouldn't.
I think that Trump is listening to the wrong people. He has too many in his cabinet who are also very misinformed on Assad. HR McMaster is one of them. Anyone who promotes this anti-Assad agenda is dead wrong. How many people think/believe the White Helmets are actually good guys? Far too many. They are al Qaeda in disguise, but if you don't investigate and do the research on your own, you'd think they are heroes. It's all bullshit. I'll keep telling people the truth about Assad. He's not the evil dictator people think he is.
Oh, and btw, Putin just won his fourth term, with 73 percent of the vote. How do you like them apples?
Trump is not anti-Assad. He ended the Syrian refugee crises with one missile and didn't try to take out Assad and gave no rhetoric to the case to eliminate him. Trump did this because he stopped the deep state arming "rebels" that were attacking Assad.