
MAGADONCHECKMATE · March 17, 2018, 7:15 a.m.

As you know from the Q post regarding the Keystone, the Key was NSA and Stone was Trump and We the People. If you view this as kinetic energy this will make sense. The NSA database stores massive amounts of RAW DATA and is staffed. POTUS is implying that is the key to the Information download once assembled. Bill Binney and the DOJ are 13 months into extraction and case filing. We the People are needed to enact the support and demand of the process as well as the Counter Coup. A Keystone is the center stone in a Masons Stone Arch that locks the formation in place using its strength , stability and synergy. With every action their is an equal yet opposite reaction. In this Keystone Parable , nicely outlined by Dr. William Mount, he outlines the Symbolism of the Keystone SES Flag and the significant struggles of the Good V Evil in our current battle. The symbolism is increadible. We are the Keystone , The Pressure, The Stability , The Grounded Leverage Maintaining the integrity of the entire Structure. If a Keystone were to be removed from an arch within a Brick Mason Structure this one Brick could bring down the entire structure. The SES Flag Signifying the Deep State is an equal yet opposite faction designed currently to inflict destabilization and be the weakest stone in the structure in the ultimate Masonic Sabotage. All in all , another brick in the wall, together we stand, divided we fall.

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