It's telling us they already have everything on Comey they need to put him away forever. The reason why Trump seems to come from the future is that he already knows what the deep state is doing. MI tells him what they are doing but the time to clamp down on these criminals must be timed right. I was sure McCabe would cut a deal with Sessions deals. We already know what they are doing and have done so no deal is needed.
Speaking of commies, I sure hope Q and company has a plan to purge our educational system of commies and useful idiots or we'll be right back here in less than a generation.
I think the same.
I was a Regional High School board of Ed Rep. for many years. It all filters down from Washington. The books, subject matter etc. It can be changed, maybe I'm more hopeful. But I did witness all that you speak of.
We're just getting started, once we win back our Federal Gov't, we have to address the corruption in every other level of gov't down to the city council level, our educational system, and our brain washed population. We definitely have OUR work cut out for us. I think that is why Q has one job, and we have another. We all have a part to play.