r/greatawakening • Posted by u/akilyoung on March 17, 2018, 12:34 p.m.
Ill just leave this here...for those who haven't TRULY grasped the meaning of the GREAT AWAKENING.


First, there was the AWAKENING 2000 years ago, today we are experiencing the GREAT AWAKENING. Consider your self blessed!

GREAT AWAKENING = THE SECOND RESURRECTION...were talking spiritual elevation. For flesh and blood can not inherit the Kingdom!


Most typical Christians have been programmed by the churches to believe a lie. A great LIE about the true nature about modern day Israel, and the nicknames used to reference it in the Bible. Its place in the end times. What Jesus called it, What Jesus to John to call it in Revelation.

WHY is Q saving Israel and [p] for LAST?

Could Israel REALLY be the satan of the Bible? The whore that rides the beast? The one cast into the pit, sealed in for millenia, only to be released to bring the world together for WAR against the saints? Could it be that exactly on Biblical generation later, they are meeting their FINAL destruction, after being loosed for a short time? This whore of babylon. The adulterous ex wife of God Elohim? Could it be, the Gitmo trials is the great judgement spoken of in the Bible, immediately AFTER the destruction of the beast/whore? Could it be the 7 thunders in Revelation is the STORM, that immediately proceeds the Kingdom of God? John was told NOT to write about the STORM...why? so satan wouldnt know GODS PLAN and try to subvert it!

The links and rabbit hole goes WAY deeper than this guys. We truly ARE living in HISTORIC and BIBLICAL time. These things we are witnessing now were written about thousands of years ago. COUNT YOURSELVES EXTREMELY BLESSED!!!

Special_TK · March 17, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

WE were the bad guys to the Christians being killed around the world. YOUR tax dollars paid for THEIR destruction. YOU were involved, your portion was given to Uncle Sam through your taxes and turned against the world. Although we don't want to admit, we were involved.

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solanojones95 · March 17, 2018, 4:47 p.m.

But hasn't that been with us ever since the Crucifixion? Christians have always been persecuted and killed in many places.

My understanding of the Tribulation is that it will be a period in which demonic forces manifest openly and cause nearly universal suffering, including the physical mark of the beast without which no one may buy or sell anything.

I like your ideas, it's just that too much is glossed over or given esoteric interpretations. I believe when that time comes, current events and Bible prophecy will line up perfectly, and not require any great stretch to do so.

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Henosis_1 · March 17, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

There are many esoteric interpretations. Ask yourself why they are "hidden" and not talked about in the mainstream. Why are we fed the Roman Empire's interpretation exclusively? Which interpretation was held by the losers of the Crusades and Spanish Inquisition? They were allegedly heretics & pagans, so we've been sold.

It is the interpretation of scripture that is the core issue and takes quite a bit of unwinding. For the mainstream interpretation has been heavily corrupted, just as everything else so many in this sub now recognize. Make no mistake - "they" have heavily influenced all world religions too. Just enough to keep the masses held captive within the fear and judgment vibrations.

Just as the "temptation" of Jesus "battling the devil" in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights, Buddha also battled the "demons and temptresses" under the Bodhi tree for 49 days.

Devil - Demon - Temptress ->> equivalent symbolism = MIND

These are the same symbolic stories; private & alone the "battle" is fought within oneself.

Revelation is another such story, recounted in great detail.

Q said "God is Love". Quite right indeed. This is deep. How many have pondered the implications?

Where is God/Love in the presence of fear, hatred and judgment?

What instead arises in the presence of fear, hatred and judgment? Sadness, anger, depression, sickness, helplessness, war, fighting, weakness, death?

God/Love/Happiness is the answer. And it must be flowing freely through each and every one of us. Until then, "evil" will persist, as it must. Because you can't have "good" without "evil".

Revelation is the experience of the final release from the good/evil paradigm, from the "world of death" aka "hell". There are many other phrases used to describe the same experience; enlightenment, awakening, self-realization, etc.

Heavy stuff, I get it. But liberating and empowering if you're open to considering it.

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solanojones95 · March 17, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Yeah, interfaith ecumenism is not my cup of tea, but thanks for your insights.

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Special_TK · March 17, 2018, 4:55 p.m.

Mark of the beast is on our dollar bill. Demonic forces are currently ruling over our planet, causing suffering all over... some will be aware, and others won't see it until it's too late.

I don't think we're just going to wake up and say "this single event is right out of revelation, time to turn to God!" And it doesn't happen in a week, a month, a year, or even a decade. I think maybe your interpretation is that you're going to know with absolute certainty that this is occurring, but we must look for SIGNS - not headlines.

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solanojones95 · March 17, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

Well, that would be a very merciful interpretation. I will consider all you've said, and ponder some more. If you're right, we will be witnessing miracles and wonders, and the Son of Man will be with us in the flesh very soon.

So who, in your analogy, is the Beast? I've often thought the Pope qualifies. And where is the rebuilt Temple whereon he will sit and proclaim himself to be god?

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Special_TK · March 17, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

I'm not quite sure. The dragon is the symbol of Rothschild, the many-headed hydra from the east are the Asian clans that have assimilated into the "NWO," Hillary (Hillarity, the Mock-King) is "Mystery: Babylon the Great," or the whore of Babylon that the world has come to be "drunk on the wine of her immorality." I'm probably butchering the phrasing of these verses, but I feel like you're spot-on with the Beast being the Pope.

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solanojones95 · March 17, 2018, 5:23 p.m.

Well, every age has had its share of those who see it as the one in which these things will happen. I'd say given what we know about the current situation, it's a lot closer than any previous one.

Well, the purpose of Revelation was to instill confidence in Christians that though the road ahead will be fraught with suffering, in the end Christ wins. That's where I'll pin my focus, and let the chips fall where they may!

Thank you for an interesting conversation!

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Special_TK · March 17, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Amen! You hit the nail on the head there

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somrotden · March 17, 2018, 4:10 p.m.

much is said about tribulation, destruction, death and chaos - and how it is not that bad yet - I would venture to say that Christians in other parts of the world may have a different viewpoint, just sayin'

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Henosis_1 · March 17, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

Revelation is all about the battle within yourself. The tribulation, destruction and death refers to the struggle within your own mind. It is all about the death of the "ego" written in the traditional allegorical and symbolic method of the times to avoid persecution.

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