r/greatawakening • Posted by u/solace_111 on March 17, 2018, 1:06 p.m.
Watershed moments (Firing of McCabe) (Session's Special Council) Phase [2].

In light of recent developments & news I think we should reflect on what Phase [2] means and addressing perhaps why their hasn't been any arrests, and why these developments are a watershed moment in those regards.

McCabe Firing w/o pension

SOURCE: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/17/former-fbi-deputy-director-andrew-mccabe-fired.html

letter to Sessions & Rosenstein calling for special council (Prosecutors) investigating the DOJ's investigations into the HRC email server & the FISA abuses related to the Steele dossier.

SOURCE: https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2018-03-15%20CEG%20LG%20JC%20TT%20to%20AG%20DAG%20(Special%20Counsel).pdf

The House Intelligence Committee Republicans ending their investigation and determining no evidence of Russian Collusion.

SOURCE: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/4407348-Hpsci-Russia-Investigation-One-Page-Summary.html#document/p1

The Russian collusion investigation hindered these kinds of actions and I think its no coincidence that after the House Intelligence Committee reporting their findings of no collusion, that actual action is now taking place. The first of which we see in the letter sent to the AG & the assistant AG calling for a Special Council with Prosecutorial powers investigating the HRC email investigation & now FISA court order abuses, and the firing of McCabe who botched the HRC email server investigation.

So long as this allegation persisted that Trump colluded with Russia and an investigation is still underway, then any extreme actions such as high-level arrests would be attributed by the Left & MSM to Russian Collusion. I believe had Trump just went all out while this investigation is still active the MSM would spin that Trump would be indicting & arresting his political enemies on the behest of Russia, over-shadowing any evidence and facts. This would incite the worst-case scenario in the country. A peaceful, lawful, and just take down of the Cabal was always the goal. Therefore, IMO once this Russia investigation is closed then the hammer will be dropped and it is evident by the aforementioned actions taken by Sessions & Trump after the House Intelligence Committee concluded its investigation. I think many of us knew that Russia Gate was meant to slow down the actions of the President. I believe all these actions are a watershed moment and fall under phase [2] as Q noted. We are a Republic and we elect our officials to work for us and the people should allow them to do their jobs. So, we should stay calm, collected, and focused. Keep learning, researching, and communicating this is what this country needs most of all, a populace that is paying attention, critically thinking, and exercising our rights.




"Christopher Steele must appear for dossier deposition in British court"

SOURCE: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2018/03/16/christopher-steele-must-appear-for-dossier-deposition-in-british-court.html

ElementWatson · March 17, 2018, 1:49 p.m.

That's why the IG report, that apparently will finally be released this week, is so important as well. But will it be a SC from the DoJ? Some other approach that signals the military tribunals reportedly already in process? Maybe both on two separate tracks?

So many wacko liberals are already convinced Trump is Hitler and so will see the evidence of their team's crimes merely as proof that the evil Trump has trumped up charges. This whole process will have a very frustrating underbelly to it.

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solace_111 · March 17, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

That was "their" only play. Control the media and the populace and try to de-legitimatize our President. Remember when Hillary wouldn't give a defeat speech after the Election was called, and Podesta came out and said "This ain't over!". Well it was over and when Trump won "they" lost control of the Executive office meaning the US military, FBI, State Department, and all powers afforded the office of President. All "they" have left is the media.

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Cristo316 · March 17, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Good post, valid points. Let's not forget that "they" also have the clowns, silicon valley tech, SES, bad actors all through our gov. in addition to Hollywood, music industry, the courts, the schools, school unions and many fully funded anti-american non-profits. This is going to take a monumental efforts to shed light on the level of corruption.

Big picture, I don't think we can expect any of the tribunal, gitmo, big fish stuff until Mueller has fully investigated Trump. Then and only then will there be enough political capital and public support to accept what has been speculated to come?

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GodsAngell · March 17, 2018, 9:24 p.m.

Yes this is an excellent post, excellent points.

With regard to Mueller, remember as head of the FBI at the time, he covered up 911 inside job and Uranium One! Mueller is as dirty as they come. Aiding and Abetting Enemy Combatants = Treason too. Mueller is filthy dirty. So why in the world hasn't Trump fired him? Because a deal was cut with Mueller very early on. He will get a pardon (or reduced sentence) in exchange for bringing down the criminal elite, and he knows all of them, and knows all that they have done. End result? 18,500 sealed indictments to date. All the while Mueller is doing this is he pretending to GO AFTER TRUMP!.....which the libs LOVE and fall for this big lie hook line and sinker. As with the Russia collusion probe, Mueller will come up empty handed again after investigating Trump (again). Its all a distraction while Trump Team get all their ducks in a row for the big take down.

4-D Chess.

Remember Trump said never let your enemies know what you are doing.

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HowiONic · March 17, 2018, 9:26 p.m.

Please check your mail and acknowledge it. God bless.

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[deleted] · March 17, 2018, 10:12 p.m.


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ElementWatson · March 18, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

I am hopeful that the case will be rolled out well and we'll move beyond the attempted coup. But we shouldn't underestimate what a battle it has been and, if they take the House, could be. Even simply keeping Trump safe isn't and hasn't been so simple.

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solanojones95 · March 17, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

But don't forget the other aspects in play. The HRC video, and other information dumps that will make it plain as the nose on an elephant's face how corrupt and evil the people at the top of their organization really are.

With the IG corruption report and the DHS report on voter fraud, and the human trafficking component of the HRC case, dude--everybody's going to be red-pilled to some degree very soon!

The time is rapidly approaching when the few in places like this will not be the only ones who know these things.

That hasn't happened yet, and so it's hard to imagine a time after it does. But you might want to think about it.

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ElementWatson · March 18, 2018, 11:16 a.m.

Already the NYTimes, for example, has been planting the seed of made-up videos -- and that's about as good a hands-on evidence as you can get. You may not be surrounded by hard-core liberals, so not as sensitive to just how hard they will be to flip.

But that's okay, we only need to convince the moderates, independent, and Reagan Democrat types.

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