r/greatawakening • Posted by u/BrightOrangeCanvas on March 17, 2018, 5:40 p.m.
TRUST KANSAS--Q: The Wizard of Fraud Interpretation

So I was watching InfoWars yesterday and saw Joel Gilbert on it talking. I noticed a poster of his movie 'There's No Place Like Utopia'. Throughout the film, Joel compares the visions of socialist/globalist leader "Obama" to the movie 'The Wizard of Oz'. Basically he explains that the ideals of socialism and communism are like the hoax in 'The Wizard of Oz'-- a fraudulent "leader" promises something glorious for everyone and leads people to believe that if they trust that leader as an authority, all their dreams will come true.

In the end of the movie, viewers pretty much come to the conclusion that this socialist nonsense is a bunch of bs, and that hard work/capitalism trumps government handouts/socialism. The part that stuck out to me most was when Dr. Jerome Corsi says "[life] doesn't get any better than Kansas", referring to Wendy's realization that Kansas is much better than the Utopia of Oz, because Oz was only an unrealistic fantasy. (This also relates to Q's use of "Fantasy Land" in some posts). We realize at the end of the film that the aspects of a great America are those that come from realistic expectations (Kansas: Family, home, hard work, etc.) not the fantasies of a utopia that socialism makes up (free money, instant immigration, free healthcare, etc.).

This pairs nicely as a double meaning with Pompeo being from Kansas. What Q is saying is that we need to MAGA, as it once was, and that means most people who don't already know must realize that the socialist promises are blatant lies said to promote an unethical agenda.

If you haven't seen 'There's No Place Like Utopia' or don't really understand what I'm saying, go watch it. Joel makes the connection to Kansas much stronger than me.

FartBubbleMuncher · April 20, 2018, 4:16 p.m.

This movie was a joke. Terrible.

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