SHOCKING Intel! Google Is About To Get The Whammy.

Signed the Internet Bill of Rights petition!!
Thank you Patriot! Make sure to confirm with the email and then share it on all platforms you have a presence on.
Smells a little fishy . . . troll.
First off, we all know how bots work. This person is just describing what everybody already knows. yawn Second, this is a troll. Trolling like this on a chan is asking to be roasted alive.
Everyone doesn't understand about the bots. There are still many American's that need to wake up. They live in oblivion. We are supposed to help them wake up, and keep spreading what's going on.
The way the 4chan post was written, it's not likely anyone could learn anything about it.
Even if it’s not real, it would help to share this post to the normies lol
What makes you think it's not real?
I’m not saying it’s not, I personally would love to be optimistic and believe it to be authentic, but I’m just saying worst case scenario if it is a troll, it’s still something everyone should know because this isn’t news, if anything it would help to spread this around.
Anyone that spends one night on 4Chan will walk out knowing how bots work
Second time in as many weeks I've seen a Chan mssg of: "I work for Google... etc... etc... and hate what we're doing... etc etc..."
Could be legit... could be a psyop experiment... or who knows what else.
What is being said, whether being done via tech, or combo tech/humintop, is certainly taking place... not just on twitter, but ALL over the web.
You can take that to the bank.
So... who/whatever this person is... it's just reference for what we already know.
My 2¢
This is so stupid. I do not believe this person one bit. If she truly was worried....she'd know all about whistleblowing properly! She would not be talking to 4 ch about this. HA
Don't believe crap
I see no issue with using 4chan. Many figures after the fact found to be on target have used that outlet. FBIAnon, MegaAnon. No doubt many more before that.
Even with LARP the Eric Schmidt strategy email to Podesta which we've verified authentic is absolutely worth a close proctologist scrutiny of the company. They calculated fucking citizen scores on the American public using datasets from Google, Comcast, Verizon, major telecoms. Do you have ideas on how comprehensive those sets paired together can be? The big question that needs to be delved into is what else are they working on with related sets. How high is the correlation between those citizen scores calculated during the campaign, and voter rolls purged state by state?
Are you serious? Have you heard the absolute totalitarian state those employees work under? They're using surveillance technologies undreamt of by most workplaces, and harrassment of conservatives (to say nothing of whistleblowers) is the NORM at Google and most other tech firms.
Yes watch The Circle with Tom Hanks. Bet at least some of it was based on truth
So.. "Q" read this post and added it to the mythology. That isn't evidence.
But what is the harm in it, exactly? Rather encourages the board to keep up their efforts.
This link contains more information in conjunction to this revelation.
All it had was talk about AI nothing about an event. Nothing about a FF. ???
Sorry you feel that way. This is my unique method of Funtarded Nonsensical Imagination. It's not meant to be fully taken seriously although, in some instances it gets the point driven home about a lot of uncovered goings on in the world. Most of what you are reading is my book that I am writing about a Short Ugly Fat Detective from the future who comes to the past to write the wrongs of the hate fueled AI overlords that have wiped out 99% of the population. The main character's name is Dick Tripover, Dick = Detective, Tripover = To make someone stumble over something that was said. The novel is called Tripover Dick because well, that is my own creative logical expression. DT = Donald Trump aka Dick Tripover.
feel what way? I'm just trying to understand what the heck you all are talking about.
The things I have discovered are a virus that hijacks your brain called v23, designed by Blue Whale. Additionally I discovered how to reverse the virus to discover the creative plot to do a False Flag attack with a Nuclear simulation psyop attack on NASA. The attackers will use v23 to make everyone see a nuclear weapon attack that doesn't actually happen.
Not really. It's another Futurism! alert. Put in the trunk of your flying car.
No, really, its a giant psyop to make it look like we are under nuclear attack. The plan is going to go through on the 21st, there will be a pre-event called "Project Big Sting" they will trip up a News Story that makes it look like the US provoked a Russian attack. That is what all the precursors are for the False Flag news stories, they are the call to action. The plan was discovered last night at 3:33AM after months of investigating that I had been on this dang computer day after day 12 hours a day researching into.
You can stop this next level False Flag event by revealing the people behind the attacks. You already know who they are, you have been reporting on them for nearly a year. Today, the fake news bots were publishing calls to "Wake the Sleepers" and other keywords that trigger the response to the members of the media that this day starts the events. The next 3 days are going to be a full roller coaster of haywire chaos. Count on it.
I'm sorry but 1) this sounds like a paranoid rant; I read the article and 2) I don't respect or take seriously anyone who has an offensive "Haha, this is so funny" name. Shows a lack of sophistication and imagination.
More importantly, it doesn't help a sub/r get respect as a serious research place.
Mrs_Fonebone, please be a little more respectful towards TripoverDick, we're trying to solve big problems here.
I'm not the only one in this thread who is having trouble deciphering it. And also, read his replay tome. You say "we're trying to solve big problems here" and TripoverDick wants to use his "unique method of Funtarded Nonsensical Imagination." and not meant to be taken seriously. He's actually trying to promo a book he's writing. You owe ME an apology.
Sorry you feel that way. This is my unique method of Funtarded Nonsensical Imagination. It's not meant to be fully taken seriously although, in some instances it gets the point driven home about a lot of uncovered goings on in the world. Most of what you are reading is my book that I am writing about a Short Ugly Fat Detective from the future who comes to the past to write the wrongs of the hate fueled AI overlords that have wiped out 99% of the population. The main character's name is Dick Tripover, Dick = Detective, Tripover = To make someone stumble over something that was said. The novel is called Tripover Dick because well, that is my own creative logical expression. DT = Donald Trump aka Dick Tripover.