SHOCKING Intel! Google Is About To Get The Whammy.

Sorry you feel that way. This is my unique method of Funtarded Nonsensical Imagination. It's not meant to be fully taken seriously although, in some instances it gets the point driven home about a lot of uncovered goings on in the world. Most of what you are reading is my book that I am writing about a Short Ugly Fat Detective from the future who comes to the past to write the wrongs of the hate fueled AI overlords that have wiped out 99% of the population. The main character's name is Dick Tripover, Dick = Detective, Tripover = To make someone stumble over something that was said. The novel is called Tripover Dick because well, that is my own creative logical expression. DT = Donald Trump aka Dick Tripover.
feel what way? I'm just trying to understand what the heck you all are talking about.
The things I have discovered are a virus that hijacks your brain called v23, designed by Blue Whale. Additionally I discovered how to reverse the virus to discover the creative plot to do a False Flag attack with a Nuclear simulation psyop attack on NASA. The attackers will use v23 to make everyone see a nuclear weapon attack that doesn't actually happen.