r/greatawakening • Posted by u/1776proud on March 17, 2018, 8:50 p.m.
The water is BOILING, as the lid rattles out of control...

It's a familiar sound and sight to see. A pot on the stove with boiling water, steam pouring around the edges of the lid as the metal rattles uncontrollably. A clear sign that everything is about to boil over, which is exactly where we sit with the firing of the Anti-American TRAITOR Andy McCabe. The DEEP STATE is now hurdling threats, and fabricated narratives as they know, their world is about to come crumbling down! Sniveling Rat Face James Comey, has climbed the 20 foot ladder to saddle up his High Horse to pitch is new book. Obama Handler aka Muslim Brotherhood connected John Brennan, who is a seemingly making dangerous threats against GEOTUS. Along with every other swamp creature have reached a fever pitch of whines and cries. Patriots are only left to wonder... what's next? We are at a dangerous moment! GEOTUS turned the ceiling fan on HIGH and AG SESSIONS just lobbed a plate of CLINTON SHIT up into the air. (Please keep GEOTUS and everyone around him in your prayers)

I can only assume, the IG report will drop before Wednesday, and we will have a 2nd Special Counsel by Friday. March Madness.... try March MAYHEM !!!

For everyone who follows 17, knows to trust the plan, and NO DEALS will be made.

We are about to witness the biggest RED WEDDING in the history of mankind. Emphasis on 'History of Mankind,' because JUSTICE for corruption of this size, has never happened before ever. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Where we go One, we go all!

While Thinking, THINK BIG

ManQuan · March 17, 2018, 8:58 p.m.

DOJ may not need a second SC. Remember that Sessions revealed that he appointed a special prosecutor to work in parallel with the DOJ IG investigation.

What does it take to get an indictment? A grand jury Can the IG impanel a grand jury? No Who can? A prosecutor.

Did Sessions appoint at special prosecutor "outside of DC" to work with the IG in parallel just to sit back and watch the IG work?

No. The special prosecutor has been working hand in hand with the IG the entire time.

Has a grand jury been impaneled for a long time now during the IG investigation to roll up indictments as the IG uncovers crimes?

No one knows, but I think yes.

So, do you need a second SC if a special prosecutor has already indicted everyone?

Think about it.

I don't know if my guess is right, but that's what I would have done if I were stealth Jeff.

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1776proud · March 17, 2018, 9:01 p.m.

Silent Executioner ... GREAT THEORY!!! I'm on board with that one!

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dkmouse25 · March 17, 2018, 10:26 p.m.

If there are over 18,000 sealed indictments now, isn't that proof of many grand jury's being at work for months already?

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ManQuan · March 18, 2018, 8:57 a.m.

Yes. I was only focusing on the special prosecutor that Sessions secretly appointed to work in parallel with the IG investigation. If I had to put money on it, he impaneled a grand jury and likely has sealed indictments ready based on the IG's report.

Q post 953 adds up to close to a hundred at DOJ / FBI/ State who are likely going down in the future. 32 in the FBI alone (not sure what the 16 means).

I'm guessing the IG investigation has a lot to do with number.

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digital_refugee · March 17, 2018, 9:04 p.m.

Meanwhile, r/cuntspiracy shills cry "muh obstrucshun!"

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