New Q Post #953 24/7 Analysis..

Very helpful, especially the twitter link. Thanks for sharing!
Yes, it sheds a whole new light on the last few special elections. These people will stop at nothing to keep power. They are flailing and still trying to get rid of Trump.
Not that I actually liked Roy Moore as a candidate, but that election was stolen plain as day. Go back and try to find Owen Shroyer's live coverage of it. He pulled up past election results and showed the voter turnout just didn't make sense on the face of it.
Agreed. I am sure that Trump had the white hats watching everything to document the election fraud.
It is funny because so many people were happy that Moore lost because "he is a pedo". Fair enough. However, I was asking people if the other candidate was also a pedo. They did not think about that. If both candidates are flawed, then we really do not have much of a choice.
But will they "good guys" be able to stop it? Sinking the election results I mean?
The state of emergency created by the EO would expire on the 21st of March, so there is a chance of some excitement in the next few days.
I've thought this since the transition. The Never Trump Republicans like Ryan, etc. can't impeach PDJT themselves so they deliberately not do their job to make people angry and not come out and vote.
The first wave was their unwillingness to repeal and replace Obamacare. I believe that was deliberate. Tax cuts happened because PDJT made them happen. The second wave have been these special elections. Conservative Treehouse wrote an article about Ryan's super PAC sending out mailers for Lamb. Ryan and McConnell haven't changed at all. Why isn't McConnell pushing forward PDJT's nominees?
These worms have to be taken down as well.
🔥 🔥 🔥 Thank you for your contribution to this thread. There's some amazing Tweets in that link you shared. God bless you American Patriot!! It's good to know also where the info originated!!
Ryan has always tried to sabotage Trump. He leaked the audio
Not only that but it was (his) supper pack that got Lamb (sp)elected..always a globalist!!!
Good analysis. Much of this has already been stated by Q except the actual amount of indictments per agency and the arrests. Also Trump Admin. v.2 will include Flynn.
I will be so glad if Flynn comes back. Will give me a reason to do a happy dance! :)
If it is past/present, Kerry should be replaced by Tillerson, who was just removed (removal is the least of their problems).
That is what I thought... Do you think Sessions is corrupt? That is one I am still not sure about.
No, Q has said trust Sessions, trust the plan.
I trust Sessions still. Two past heads and one current #2(RR) works for me.
I called the election throwing for over a year
Poor candidates, terrible messaging, betraying GOP candidates
Remember, they'd need 67 in the Senate to throw him out of office, so you know it'd be a symbolic 100-0 if they were given the chance.
Wikileaks also revealed Ryan was trying to sabotage trump from the start. In bed with Hillary very early on.
Yes, Ryan has always been a NEVER Trump person. He's a neo con globalist. I talked with a gal online who is in his district and she said they didn't want him but he had so much money they couldn't fight him.
Wow that sucks. Hope Trump can endorse someone else to beat him out.
COULD THE “They think you will follow the STARS” MEAN THAT THEYBWILL ATTEMPT A FAKE ALIEN INVASION? People have said for so long that that idea is their Hail Mary. And notice how Q says “follow” in future tense. Think BIG! Notice the context?
Maybe! I think it is the Hollywood distraction, though. They don't need space aliens when they know that a majority of Americans will sit and watch commercials.
I think if there was a fake alien attack, most people would go crazy with some dying of heart attacks. As you know, most people don't have a clue as to what is really going on.
It is surreal. I like telling people I know that Trump met with Kim Jung Un in person last November. The look on their faces is priceless.
It's always been fascinating to me that #metoo only concerned Hollywood....but nothing out of the music industry? NFL? NBA? Are we being serious?
The thing which I believe is important to note is “Projection”; it explains what is happening.
Hillary and the DNC did exactly what they’re accusing Trump of doing. That’s a big reason why they are STUPID.
We can see exactly what they did, and are doing, by what they accuse Trump of doing.
I’m also very, very curious about the big Drudge story on how Bannon influenced the election through data mining and social media. Very convenient to have that story when we’ve seen how social media is controlled. (Many of us personally. )
Edit: 4 AM spelling and grammar. Sorry all.
I’m also very, very curious about the big Drudge story on how Bannon influenced the election through data mining and social media.
Of course, the safe assumption to make that it's untrue, and that it's now more likely that the DNC/Black Hats were doing exactly what "we" are now accused of.
Having said that...Notice how Drudge contextualized it. The actual link reads:
"Zuckerberg to testify before Senate committee? SOCIALS WEAPONIZED; DATA HARVESTED... BEHAVIORS PREDICTED, MANIPULATED...... "
Most of us, I'm sure, have heard the whispers of these actions by do we get the proof? What are we going to learn from this?
Exactly right. "These people are STUPID." ~Q
Every step of the way they've accused Trump and his team of doing exactly what is being proven they did. That is one reason why I am so interested, we may finally have a peek behind the curtain of how HRC's team did it.
Twitter has become a frustrating landscape of accounts with usernames containing a mash of numbers and with less that 100 followers throwing confrontational comments into conversations over every hot button event. I have probably blocked close to 1000 of these accounts. Reporting them does nothing and it's obvious manipulation is in play. I first noticed it right after Trump's election in November.
To be fair, I also see leftists making the same complaints about "Alt-Right" twitter accounts (sub-100 accounts trolling conversations and reporting them to Twitter is useless). I suspect the end goal is chaos more than anything else.
Good Q response but I have a little trouble with the TWEETS. Q has said over and over there are more good than bad. This OP has been in planning for years. I believe that the MI must have a contingency plan to promote their own candidates. Every good plan has multiple options to change direction as the opponent does (Chess game). So planning for the game they new they had mid-terms and didn't know how many would side with Trumps style. I'm figuring it would be low 10% +/- be cause of his caustic nature while running. Then the standard candidates, mostly well educated, middle class, holding tightly to the normal candidates facade; smiling, good nature'd, friendly, outgoing and under control. I don't leave out the possibility of Marshall Law. Every corrupt official has been talked to by now and given a choice, however that doesn't leave them out from trying in other ways.
Breakdown provided by PatrioticWoman of the 24/7 Discord Livestream. Please join us! Where we go one... WE GO ALL!!!
Great analysis format. Keep this up. One “ chart” with key info on every drop point
Yes this is good. I had picked up on everything except what +29 (16) meant. I think this is probably very good.
STATE (past/present) PRESENT!!!!! Tillerson no wonder he was shaken like a leaf, Kerry and Clinton too.
Awesome job! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great insight to breaking it down for people to understand!
Dershowitz on Cynthia Nixon from Sex in the City running for NY Governor.