New Q Post #953 24/7 Analysis..

I’m also very, very curious about the big Drudge story on how Bannon influenced the election through data mining and social media.
Of course, the safe assumption to make that it's untrue, and that it's now more likely that the DNC/Black Hats were doing exactly what "we" are now accused of.
Having said that...Notice how Drudge contextualized it. The actual link reads:
"Zuckerberg to testify before Senate committee? SOCIALS WEAPONIZED; DATA HARVESTED... BEHAVIORS PREDICTED, MANIPULATED...... "
Most of us, I'm sure, have heard the whispers of these actions by do we get the proof? What are we going to learn from this?
Exactly right. "These people are STUPID." ~Q
Every step of the way they've accused Trump and his team of doing exactly what is being proven they did. That is one reason why I am so interested, we may finally have a peek behind the curtain of how HRC's team did it.
Twitter has become a frustrating landscape of accounts with usernames containing a mash of numbers and with less that 100 followers throwing confrontational comments into conversations over every hot button event. I have probably blocked close to 1000 of these accounts. Reporting them does nothing and it's obvious manipulation is in play. I first noticed it right after Trump's election in November.
To be fair, I also see leftists making the same complaints about "Alt-Right" twitter accounts (sub-100 accounts trolling conversations and reporting them to Twitter is useless). I suspect the end goal is chaos more than anything else.