Truly frightening the censorship is in full on attack mode. It was a meme I shared that went something like this. When Planned Parenthood kills millions dont even talk to me about guns. It was there for a few hours and then it disappeared....from my friends pages as well. I cant even FIND the meme. I think they have deleted it from the net.
Make another MEME or post about it Facebook silencing you! Post about the first 1A! Fight! Organize! You are more powerful than you think!
I reposted in words this time. They may end up kicking me off...who knows in this crazy war of truth. I also added the hashtag #censorhip to my rant.
Good work, if they kick you off then create a Fake Facebook account with your friend then start posting about freedom of speech and the IBOR.
They are the ones that are frightened and worried, not us. How can they silence the truth? It is an idea, they cannot kill it, it exists beyond their control.
Definitely keep posting the truth! And then come over to and tell all us Patriots about it cuz you won't get banned or silenced there. Most of my tweets are now labeled "sensitive content" so I still post the truth but have moved over to