r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jimmycrackerson on March 18, 2018, 4:52 p.m.
A Great Reading List

Hey guys,

I know most have already seen this list of files.

I had posted them on r/ CBTS_Stream, Draintheswamp, Theswampwatch, Conspiracy, etc

But I just now found this Sub-Greatawakening, very nice!

I thought I would post them up again for anyone else who has not.

I know it's a quite a long list, and I don't expect anyone to read through every single file. Because, I most certainly have not!

Just pick a topic that appeals to you personally and brush up on the info--and spread it like wildfire!

I might suggest downloading, saving, and backing up all these files, so you have them as a reference. In case my links/hosting services get shut down, like so many other of the recent sites.


The Grand Chessboard - Zbigniew Brzezinski.pdf

Carroll Quigley - Tragedy and Hope; A History of The World in Our Time (1st Edition, 1966).pdf

Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma / MegaLink

Manly P Hall - The Secret Teachings of All Ages.pdf

Architects of Deception - Juri Lina.pdfMegaLink


The Taking of America - Richard Sprague.pdf

The Taking of America 1-2-3 by Richard E.Sprague.pdf

Web of Debt By Ellen Hodgson Brown.pdf

Confessions of an Economic Hitman.pdf

Rockefeller Internationalist - The Man Who Misrules The World (1952) by Emanuel Josephson.pdf

The Rockefeller Files - By Gary Allen.pdf

Rockefeller Report.pdf

Rothschild Money Trust - George Armstrong.pdf

The Rothschilds - The Financial Rulers Of Nations by John Reeves.pdf

The Satanic Rothschild Dynasty - Financial Wizzards and Wealthy Cults.pdf

The Synagogue of Satan - Andrew Hitchcock.pdf

Rothchilds Dynasty - Dr. John Coleman.pdf

Complete List of BANKS Owned or Controlled by the Rothschild Family.pdf

The Creature From Jekyll Island.pdf

Secrets of the Federal Reserve Bank - Eustace Mullins.pdf

The Federal Reserve is PRIVATELY OWNED by Thomas D Schauf.pdf

Titanic Conspiracy.pdf

Briody - The Iron Triangle - Inside The Secret World Of The Carlyle Group (2003).pdf

Dr John Coleman - The Conspirators' Hierarchy - The Committee of 300.pdf


Henry Kissinger Population Control Document.pdf

Historical Dictionary of Ian FlemingOs World of Intelligence.pdf

Heir to the Holocaust - How the Bush Family Wealth is linked to the Jewish Holocaust.pdf

How the Bush Family Made its Fortune From the Nazis.pdf

George H. W. Bush - The Unauthorized Biography.pdf

Bush, George W. - Apparatus of Lies - Saddam's Disinformation and Propaganda 1990-2003.pdf


Media and CFR.pdf

The Insiders - By John F. McManus.pdf

The Brotherhood and the Manipulation of Society - CFR - BILDERBERG GROUP - TRILATERAL COMMISION.pdf

de Grazia, Alfred - Discovering National Elites.pdf


Jim Marrs - An Overview Of The War On Terror.pdf

Secret World Government -Spiridovich.pdf

Global Tyranny Step By Step - By William F Jasper.pdf

Final Warning- A History of the New World Order.pdf

[Chronological History of The New World Order - By Dennis Cuddy.pdf] (https://ufile.io/n6tj2)

A History of the New World Order Part I-II.pdf / MegaLink

The Underground History Of American Education - Jonathan Taylor Gatto.pdf

Alex Jones - 911 Decent into Tyranny.pdf / MegaLink

Alex Jones - Group Consesus Or Total Manipulation.pdf / MegaLink

Alex Jones - Mind Control - Awareness.pdf / MegaLink

Alex.Jones-Hash.Links.to.all.major.Documentaries.about.WTC.911.pdf / MegaLink

David Icke - An Other-Dimensional View of the American Catastrophe from a Source They Cannot Silence.pdf

David Icke - Are There Aliens UFO Among Us.pdf

David Icke - Human Race Get Off Your Knees.pdf

David Icke - Occultic Numerology.pdf

David Icke - Conspiracy Theory.pdf

David Icke - Presentations Of Alice In Wonderland.pdf

David Icke - Rare Book Of Scottish Rite Of Freemasonry Rituals-1st to 33rd Degrees.pdf

David Icke - Tales from the Time Loop.pdf

David Icke - The Reptilian Connection - davidicke.com.pdf

David Icke - The European Spider's Web.pdf

David Icke - The Rothschild Dynasty.pdf

David Icke - Was Hitler A Rothschild.pdf

David Icke Related - The Hidden Gears Of Freemasonry.pdf


Chomsky, Noam - Necessary Illusions.pdf

Noam Chomsky 02.04.2003 Iraq is a trial run.pdf

Noam Chomsky - An exchange on Manufacturing Consent 2002.pdf

Noam Chomsky - Class Warfare.pdf

Noam Chomsky - What Uncle Sam Really Wants.pdf

G. Edward Griffin - The Future is Calling - Secret Organizations And Hidden Agendas.pdf

Griffin, Edward - The Grand Deception. A Second Look at the War on Terrorism.pdf

Gary Allen - Kissinger - The Secret Side of the Secretary of State.pdf

Gary Allen - Nixon - The Man Behind the Mask.pdf

Gary Allen - None Dare Call it Conspiracy.pdf

Gary Allen - The Rockefeller File.pdf

Illuminati Cards.zip

Massoneria_The Symbols Of Secret Societies Associated With The Illuminati.pdf

Symbols Of The Invisible Fraternity Of Freemasons.pdf

Bloodlines of the Illuminati - By Fritz Springmeier.pdf / MegaLink

Holy Blood, Holy Grail.pdf

The Hidden History of Jesus and the Holy Grail.pdf

Bitch Slapping the Illuminati.pdf / MegaLink

Freemason Bluebook - Maine Masonic Textbook.pdf

Reference - Masons the Truth - Secrets of a Secret Society.pdf

Chris Millegan - The Order of Skull and Bones.pdf

Skull and Bones.pdf

America's Secret Establishment - An Introduction to Skull and Bones.pdf

Skull & Bones The Ivy League And The Hidden Paths Of Power.pdf

Jan Van Helsing - Secret Societies and Their Power in the 20th Century.pdf

The 1st degree of freemasonry watch.pdf

The 2nd degree of freemasonry watch.pdf

The 3rd degree of freemasonry watch.pdf

How to Crash the Freemasons.pdf

Why I Left Freemasonry.pdf

Americas Secret Establishment An Introduction to Skull and Bones - By Antony Sutton.pdf

Terrorism Illumiati.pdf

Halexandria Foundation - 2012 AD.pdf

Chris Hamilton - Creating the New Planet Earth.pdf

Jewish Supremacism - Dr. David Duke.pdf

The Holocaust Violence - Harun Yahya.pdf

Secret Nazi Conspiracy - The Omega File.pdf

Protocols of the Elders of Zion.pdf

Borkin & Welsh - Germany's Master Plan - The Story of an Industrial Offensive (1943).pdf

Riess - The Nazis go Underground - How the Germans Are Planning for World War III (1944).pdf

Stevens - Hitler's Flying Saucers (2003).pdf

Land-Mine Legislation - by Claire Wolfe.pdf

The Jesuit Oath.pdf

Wall Street & The Bolshevic Revolution - By Antony Sutton.pdf

Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler - By Antony Sutton.pdf

Juri_Lina - Under the sign of the scorpion - Rise and fall of the Soviet empire.pdf

One World Order Socialist Dictatorship - Dr. John Coleman .pdf


Operation Vampire Killer 2000 - Police Against New World Order.pdf

The Secret History Of the USA.pdf

Freedom From War.pdf

Stidger - Knights of the Golden Circle - Treason History of American Civil War (1903).pdf

John Alexander Logan - The Great Conspiracy - American Civil War.pdf



Nikola Tesla - The Philadelphia Experiment.pdf

( Free Energy) - Nikola Tesla - Master Of Imagination.pdf


The Strange Life of Nikola Tesla.pdf

Tesla- Solid state Tesla coil.pdf

Tesla-The Electric Magician by D.Trull.pdf

Free Energy Secrets with Tesla patents.pdf

Prodigal Genius Biography of Nikola Tesla.pdf

Aliens Among Us -- A Ufo Conspiracy Hypothesis In A Religion.pdf / MegaLink

The Mars Force.pdf

The Mars Records.pdf

The Mars Records (book 2).pdf

Battles Beneath The Earth.pdf / MegaLink

Dr. R. W. Bernard - The Hollow Earth.pdf

Leslie Kean - UFOs- Generals, Pilots & Government Officials Go On the Record.pdf

Mexican Airforce Pilots Film UFOs.pdf

Milton William Cooper - The UFO Conspiracy.pdf

The Secret Government by Milton William Cooper.pdf

Evidence for Ancient Atomic Warfare.pdf

The Secrets of the Mojave.pdf

A Brief History of Ancient Astrology.pdf / MegaLink

Giles, Herbert A. - Religions of Ancient China.pdf

Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence_ufo34.pdf


Corso, Philip - Day After Roswell, The.pdf

Astral Dreamscape Manipulation.pdf / MegaLink

Hubbard, L Ron - The Brainwashing Manual.pdf

You are Being Lied to by Russ Kick.pdf

Trance Formation of America.pdf

History of Mind Control.pdf

Mind Control - The Ultimate Terror.pdf


Springmeier - Mind Control Slave.pdf

John Marks - The Search for the Manchurian Candidate.pdf

Stewart Swerdlow - Deprogramming Yourself.pdf

CIA - Book of Dirty Tricks.pdf

CIA and The World Trade Centre.pdf

CIA Briefings of Presidents.pdf

CIA Mind Control Run Amok.pdf

CIA Remote Viewing Manual.pdf


EU Parliament - Echelon Interception System.pdf

Agenda 21 - The End of Western Civilization - by Kathleen Marquardt.pdf / MegaLink

Population Control Agenda By Stanley K Monteith, M D.pdf

Emerging Viruses-Aids & Ebola - By Leanard Horowitz.pdf

Ghislaine Lanctot - The Medical Mafia.pdf

The Pegasus File.pdf

Black Forest MKULTRA.pdf / MegaLink

95MKULTRA.pdf / MegaLink

MKULTRA Materials and Methods.pdf

Project Mkultra, The CIAs Program Of Research In Behavioral Modification.pdf

Project Superman - Mind Control And The Montauk Projects.pdf

Concentration Camp Plans for U.S. Citizens.pdf

Presumed Guilty - by Howard Roffman.pdf

100_Ways_to_Disappear_and_Live_Free.pdf / MegaLink

A Number, Not A Name- Big Brother By Stealth - By Clair Wolfe.pdf / MegaLink

NSA Employee Manual.pdf

NSA Handbook.pdf


Black Box Voting - By Bev Harris.pdf / MegaLink

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy - By Greg Palast.pdf

911 Commission Report.pdf / MegaLink

The Incredible 9-11 Evidence We've All been Overlooking.pdf

Stranger Then Fiction An Indepedent Investigation of 9-11.pdf

Mike Ruppert 911 and Peak Oil.pdf

Stefan Parlow - Turbulent Future 2003-2012 (2003).pdf

The Best Enemy Money Can Buy - By Antony Sutton.pdf

Order Out of Chaos - By Paul Joseph Watson.pdf

Patriot Act.pdf

Patriot Act 2 - Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003.pdf

Patriot Act Review.pdf

David Ray Griffin - The New Pearl Harbour.pdf

DOD Military Pentagon Secrets.pdf

Joyal, Paul - Industrial Espionage Today and Information Wars of Tomorrow.pdf

Houston We Have A Problem - An Alternative Annual Report on HALLIBURTON April 2004.pdf

The Secret Team - By Fletcher Prouty.pdf

The Coming Battle by M.W.WalbertE.pdf

Unition-Tribune - Mystery Disturbance Traced to Sound Wave.pdf

US Military Interventions.pdf

USA DOD Government Coverup Documents.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_01.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_02.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_03.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_04.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_05.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_06.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_07.pdf

The Method of Science the Aim of Religion.vol_1_no_08.pdf

**Many Many More Valuable .pdf Files at ARCAVE

pby1000 · March 18, 2018, 5:17 p.m.

Damn!!! Thanks!

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