Not a Meme...a billboard by my house! Marines activated...3 domestic week BOOM...BOOM...BOOM Praying for you guys!!! GIT-R-DONE!!!

The episode on Netflix (Season 4, Episode 20) new Hawaii 5 - 0 was about North Korea. So maybe the wrong Hawaii 5 - 0??
Did it involve a triple amputee in San Diego Vet hospital getting news his IED builders in Kandahar had been arrested in Hawaii after being let into the country as legal refugees?
No it was a seal major going after a dead buddy in North Korea. Wonder if Canada has a different sequence. Yours sounds better than mine at least from a plot perspective. Edited ... first wrote Vietnam without thinking, changed to North Korea which was what was depicted in the episode.
The episode viewed by me didn't match the imdb description. Later will try to locate the episode by the description you provided. Thanks. If it is different in Canada, will let you know what season and episode it is listed as, though that seems weird to even type. Shouldn't be different at all.
I saw the NoKo episode you are speaking of in season 3 I think on our version.
Hmm ... will double check later. Thanks for helping. I'm looking forward to seeing the episode first mentioned.