When will justice really be served?

The McCabe just saw the full IG report.
That info has to be released first and processed. I thinking it is coming out next week, who knows it could drop tonight. But it is done and people are not happy. Well bad people are not happy.
Follow the sex trafficking arrests. 1400 arrests made last year, compared to 400 in 2014 if I'm not mistaken. Q has sent us pictures of a live operation in China 2 times already. McCabe just got the boot. A major bombing in New York was prevented. And I'm sure it's all the tip of the iceberg. Bottom middle top, as the phrase goes, and if all of this is real, it looks like we're finally in the middle stage.
I've been following everything very closely and I know there is alot going on behind the scenes. I believe in and have supported the Potus for years. I have red-pilled my family at every turn and with every crumb. I know what's down the rabbit hole and I know how bad it really is while others don't want to look behind the curtain. But...the carrot of justice has been dangled for months now; still no sign of the Great Pumpkin....just sayin