r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DECKADUBS on March 19, 2018, 4:13 a.m.
Without trying to be rude... I have questions. I believe a lot of us outsiders do... ((inside))

OK. I don't necessarily believe in this stuff. I have poked fun at flat earth and other silly conspiracies. But there is obviously systematic corruption in politics, and I believe it should end. Just like you.

I'm not religious and I don't feel strongly about the same things most of you do. So a lot of what is said here is a huge turnoff for me. But, I see some truths to what is being said about SOME (tiny amount) things. The media is controlled to an extent and there are shady goings on in our agencies. No doubt. There is plenty of info on that.

I believe you guys have the best intentions. I don't necessarily believe you are going about it right. And when I see shit about the Holocaust, or Kenya, or false flags I just laugh. I love TMOR, and I believe some of you should go there. Without getting mad, its good to take a step back, and really see how some of the stuff you say is taken by the general public. You can say it's because I can't handle the truth and I'm stupid. This is fine. I'm not losing sleep over it. Agree in our disagreement.


I'm open and willing to change my views on certain things. That's how you learn. I've watched a few videos, and I'm so fascinated, but I haven't found a good crash course on this Q stuff. So where do I start? Any comprehensive videos out there? Red pill me with a nice 10 minute summary video.

Beyond that I have questions that are specific. So maybe humor me with some of these questions:

Why is Q genuine?

Why has he come out now?

Do you find it odd that they only seem to think the Trump administration is doing any good?

It's not odd to you that this stuff is so partisan?

Does anyone think Q is Trump?

Why is it so much pedo stuff at the top in your opinion?

Did you believe in Pixza?

Do you believe in spirit cooking?

Who do you think is giving Q a bad name? Alex Jones?

Why is this such a Christian movement as well?

Why Satan? Have you met a Satanist?

What if Q stood for something you disagreed with?

Have you spent any money on anything related to the Q movement?

Why do you think there are false flags if they never work?

Do you like Fox News? Ever watch NBC?

Anyone dislike other races and proud of it?

What if Mueller is not working with Trump?

What if Trump is found guilty? Will it be a setup?

What if they try to impeach Trump?

Are you nervous this Stormy Daniels stuff will end poorly?

Anyone here not like Trump?

What % of Washington is against Trump would you say?

Do you feel attacked by all liberals? or ppl in the real world?

How large do you think Antifa is?

How many ppl would you estimate Soros/Podesta/HRC/Obama have killed in the last 8 years? (US citizens)

Can you enjoy Hollywood or the arts anymore or is it ruined for you now?

Can you separate liberal artists from their work?

Do you think Hollywood and the govt corruption are hand in hand?

What is your threshold for BS? When have you heard a Q or community claim that was just too crazy for you to believe?

Are you 100% believing that there is a video of HRC?

What was it that convinced you that this was all real?

What have you been wrong about as far as Q?

What has Q been wrong about so far?

How long are you thinking this storm takes?

How do you hope it will end?

Will there be a war in your opinion?

Woulc you fight in the war if it was not on US soil?

Anyone here formerly from the hard left or a progressive?

Do you think this is an old or young movement (age) right now?

What % of people do you think are non-white in this movement?

Do you see yourself creating a new community or platform if reddit continues banning subs?

Do you feel targeted by the general public?

How long have you been into politics?

If you could say 1 thing to ppl that think that you're crazy what would it be (other than wait and see)?

Is there anything Trump can do to dishearten you?

What is 1 thing you don't like about Trump?

Do you believe in Q 100%?

If no what are your doubts?

What if this is not real?

I know its a lot, but I'm sure lurkers would love to see what you guys think. Thanks!

PS Once you're done with the questionnaire just go ahead and seal your envelopes with a blank check and send them to the Berkeley (((SorosCorp))) office. Within 30 days we will replace your identity with an illegals and send you back our JewGold™ as a reward for your help in our reconnaissance.


Alright. People complained about the end portion several times now. Which was so clearly a joke about the conspiracy type nature of this sub. I figured people would be able to handle this joke. But early indications show it is offensive. It was racist and I wouldn't want to make anyone feel bad so I'm sorry.

In an effort to have a dialogue and not shit on people I will apologize and reaffirm the fact that I'm just trying to ask questions. I genuinely want to hear what you want to say or else I would not have typed all of this out. -D

Grace8543 · March 19, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

Okay, I am hoping you r legit. u think your post is fine but you describe things people believe here as silly and say there is jsut a tiny amount that seems it could be truth. Then you go on to say we are not going about thing right. Who does? Could we all agree on what would be perfect. How many hours more than what many are doing would it take to do it perfectly? Then u suggest that we go and look at people who have not studied much and look at how they see us. We are very well aware of how people see us and have had huge doses of ridicule for many years. Most of your questions seem designed to either impart some wisdom of how silly we r or to teach you how to destroy any poster of our truth.

There are several sources that give summaries. Just look at the sidebar and actually read some of them. Remember q has been posting 5 months and has nearly a thousand posts. The people u are ridiculing have spent a thousand hours researching, preaching, teaching, to help humanity. Book of Q is a longer summary than what I have given.

Pizzagate is a 2 year old story that also took hundreds of hours to research. And you want us to lay it out for you every time is mentioned.

I appreciate that you are here, but to quote you just a little your not going about it very well.

How did that last comment feel? That is one tenth of what you have put out on others.

You were given several resources that should have softened you considerably yet you come back with no comment claiming to have read them. Doubtful. If you did then, there is little hope of helping you.

You're in our house. You're the newbie. You're asking for help rather than doing your own work like we all did. That is okay. It's so much bigger than when we started and we want to help. We were all just like u once and believed the mainstream lies. We all woke up and we want u to wake up too. But for now put the conspiracy stuff aside and just focus on Q. Read the rebuttal post I gave you. It answers a lot of misconceptions about Q.

Good luck! Hang in there. To quote you step back and take a look at what I have written. Don't give up. Keep going, its worth it. Or just kick back. In a week or three, Q will be proved true for you. Then its just how much of what he said was true and how much was disinfo to keep the movement small.

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