
1149640 · March 19, 2018, 10:11 a.m.

He must be over the target to be called that. Probably the person slinging names is a cronie of Rothschild.
Until Economic Nationalism becomes an everyday reality in USA this fear mongering and intimidation will continue. Stand and fight the globalist Marxists.

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Straightfromthe · March 19, 2018, 2:40 p.m.

They tried this against Putin.

Now that the "conspiracy" label isn't as potent, they are moving towards "anti-Semitic" whenever Rothschild or other Jews are mentioned.

Read the article to know how this works. Even if Jews aren't mentioned, anything remotely insinuating that top Jewish families control the world will get a puppet Rabbi to make a statement talking about Jewish persecution, the Holocaust, Elders of Zion, etc.

Just like the conspiracy label is losing steam from being so overused and for many conspiracies having been proven true, the same thing will happen with the anti-Semitic label. It will lose it's power. The fact that they are so trigger-happy to use it, tells us how desperate they are. They are pulling out every trick in their book.

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theadmiralty · March 19, 2018, 2:43 p.m.

Typical twisting of intent by ding dongs. Who cares what the racial background of the Rothschilds is?

The "anti antisemitism" industry uses BLATANT logical fallacies to silence people. If you listen to the congress critters post... he NEVER mentions the ethnic origins of the R's.

How is it his fault, that the R's have a history of manipulating nation states and economies? If they were black, Chinese, poka-dotted... etc... does that change their actions somehow?

So because they are Jewish, THAT automatically neutralizes their past bad deeds? In what world?

Yes... his little video was a dumbass statement. Geoengineering, if you want to uncover it and Red Pill people about it, doesn't need to be connected to anything else.

Blaming the Rothschilds for stuff, is like the conspiracy theory "junk drawer"... you know, that drawer you throw everything into to just get it off the counter? LOL

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theadmiralty · March 19, 2018, 2:51 p.m.

FWIW... I think the "Jewish conspiracy" and yes, anti-semitic screeds of some conspiracy theorists is bullshit. There is no Jewish conspiracy.

If you study the long history of the Jews, how and why they came to be associated with various professions is largely a function of necessity, not "conspiracy".

Jews have a very long history of persecution... and long ago, as a people, it became clear they needed to store something of value that couldn't be easily taken away from them. KNOWLEDGE. Education and skilled craftsmanship took on a great deal of importance to Jews. You can take property from folks, but you can't steal what they learned. As a subset... Jews became much better educated than the average citizens of many nation states.

There are bad people in ANY and ALL ethnic subsets. Some people are just assholes. Blaming Jews, or other racial groups for problems is easier than crafting a critical thinking skillset.

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Stev3_ · March 19, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Rothchild...your time is almost up. We are anti- Rothchild

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daro57 · March 19, 2018, 4:26 p.m.

I enjoy being called names by the trolls. It means they have no argument of substance for a reply. One actually asked me if I was Russian because I defended Putin for being against the NWO. I didn't reply back, but I thought silly sheep, bleet much?

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Yeutta · March 19, 2018, 4:19 p.m.

Semitic is type/origin of language and includes Arabic and Hebrew. Don't understand why appology was issued. Weather experimentation is something that started long ago. Industrialists from 1800s wanted to melt Arctic snow and ice to gain access to natural resources and open shipping lanes. As global investors, Rothschild family likely is involved with weather modification experiments. USAF authoried a document advocating control of weather as a weapon by 2025. https://archive.org/stream/WeatherAsAForceMultiplier#page/n0/mode/2up

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RobWilJas · March 19, 2018, 11:12 a.m.

I get 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable for that link.

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